Chapter 15: The Battle of Trost Pt. 4

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Armin(in mind): Please be okay.

He scanned each road and alleyway while he flew over Trost. He spotted two Titans facing each other in an alley next to a broken wall that seemed to be facing off with each other. When he reached them, he saw a horrifying sight. Mikasa was on the ground, her gear completely spent. He went to attack the one behind her when it suddenly lunged forward and knocked the first one off its feet. Not wasting time, it stepped over Mikasa and began stomping the first Titan into the ground.

Conny: Holy shit.

Armin: MIKASA!!!

Mikasa looked to the sky and saw Armin and Conny descending on her. Armin swooped between the buildings and grabbed her before flying back up and away from the Titans with Conny on his tail. They flew a safe distance away and landed on a rooftop to rest. While Armin regained his breath after carrying Mikasa up to the roof, she and Conny were staring at the new Titan with intrigue.

Conny: We should kill that one before it gets any ideas about us.

Mikasa: No, that one is different. It only attacks its own kind. It had the chance to kill me but it didn't.

Conny: That's class A Abnormal behavior. Just because it didn't kill you in the moment doesn't mean it wouldn't have.

Mikasa: I'm choosing to believe what I witnessed. It ignored me in favor of the first Titan. I don't know why, but I feel like this one could be the answer to our current crisis.

Conny: What are you talking about? Are you crazy?!

Armin: She's right Conny.

Conny: Wha? You too?

Armin: Think about it. If what she says is true, and this is just a theory, what if we could somehow steer it toward the fort and force it to attack the Titans outside, thus leaving the ones inside to us?

Conny: That's insane.

Mikasa: Unless you have a better idea, this Titan is our one chance of getting into that fort alive.

Conny(sighs): What's the plan then?

Armin: Seeing as there are currently no other Titans in the area except for the Abnormal, we just have to hope it notices the fort. But first, Mikasa, you're out of gas, and we need to fix that. Conny and I are running dangerously low ourselves, but we should be able to spare just enough so all three of us can reach the fort.

Armin began undoing the gas tanks on his gear. He transferred as much as he could to Mikasa before stopping and putting his tanks back into place with Conny doing the same. They each had one extra blade left, so they attached the blades to Mikasa's sword grips so she would have a fighting chance.

Armin: Okay, you should have enough gas to make it and those are fresh blades, so you can fight if need be. Just make sure not to waste it.

Mikasa: I know.

Conny: Looks like it noticed. Check it out.

Armin and Mikasa looked at the Titan and saw that it was indeed heading to the fort. Glad that his plan was working, Armin stood up.

Armin: Okay, let's go.

While the three of them were following the Titan, Jean, and the others had reached the fort right as their gas ran out. He and Eren crashed through the windows with the others following shortly after.

Jean: Looks like we made it.

Eren: Yeah. Now we need to figure out the situation.

Looking around, Jean spotted an overturned table with several cadets cowering in fright behind it. Eren noticed his gaze and spotted the cadets too.

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