Chapter 3: 'Mystery'

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The physics classroom hummed with anticipation as I entered, guided by Mark, my anchor in this sea of unfamiliar faces.

Whispers trailed behind me, and I could practically feel the eyes of my classmates boring into my back.

I did my best to shrug off the attention, focusing on the task at hand.

Mr. Murdock, our teacher, observed me with a keen eye, a hint of approval in his expression.

"Ah, our new student, Mr Steele, isn't it?" Mr. Murdock said, his gaze lingering on my physique. 

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. This is Ethan Steele. He's just moved to Whisbrook, so let's make him feel welcome," Mr. Murdock announced, his voice projecting across the room.

A chorus of greetings filled the air, some genuine, others laced with curiosity.

Mark patted me on the back in encouragement before taking his seat a few rows away.

I scanned the room, my eyes instinctively seeking out Selina, who sat at the back, her attention fixed firmly on her textbook.

Mr. Murdock, oblivious to the undercurrents of tension in the room, assigned me the empty seat next to Selina.

Whispers erupted like wildfire, spreading from one student to another.

I felt a weight settle on my shoulders as the spotlight shifted onto me.

Mr Murdock patted me on the back, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Ethan. You're in good hands. Selina might seem a bit... distant, but she's harmless. Just focus on the class, and you'll be fine."

The murmurs in the classroom intensified as I settled down next to her.

Mark, from across the room, gave me an encouraging thumbs-up, trying to ease my evident discomfort.

Despite his reassurances, the air crackled with tension.

Her presence was palpable, a magnetic force that pulled at my every thought.

Selina had not glanced my way since I entered the room.

She ignored my presence.

I felt a strange unease settle over me.

In any other situation, I would have confronted the issue head-on, but something about Selina made me hesitant, uncertain.

The physics lesson began, Mr. Murdock delving into a new chapter with enthusiasm that was lost on me.

My attention wavered, my thoughts repeatedly drifting back to Selina.

I could feel her aura, a mix of mystery and distance, enveloping me like a shadow.

My attempts to concentrate were futile; the pull of her presence was too strong.

My pen scratched against the paper, but my notes remained a jumble of incomprehensible lines.

The equations blurred before my eyes, and I struggled to grasp the concepts being taught.

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