Chapter 19: 'Pure'

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We gathered around the dining table, an ornate masterpiece that seemed to belong in a museum.

The atmosphere was strangely familial, a stark contrast to the preconceived notions I had about vampires.

As we began our meal, Cassius, ever the eloquent speaker, initiated the conversation.

"I believe you have questions, Ethan," he said, his voice smooth yet commanding. "Ask, and I shall answer to the best of my abilities."

I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to voice the inquiries that had plagued my mind since I stumbled upon Whisbrook's hidden truths. "Why did you reveal your secret to me? How am I still alive?"

Cassius, ever the epitome of calm and composure, met my gaze with a steady, unwavering stare.

"Ethan, it's important for you to understand that we are not the monsters of legend," he explained, his voice carrying a soothing reassurance.

"We do not kill, nor do we necessarily have to suck on the blood of humans."

His words echoed in the recesses of my mind, dispelling the lingering fears that had taken root within me.

Despite the centuries-old tales of bloodthirsty vampires that haunted human folklore, the reality before me painted a starkly different picture.

"But what sustains you, then?" I pressed, my curiosity reignited by his revelation.

Cassius offered me a knowing smile, a subtle acknowledgment of my insatiable thirst for knowledge.

"We possess a unique biology, Ethan," he explained, his tone tinged with a hint of reverence.

"Our bodies are capable of synthesizing energy from various sources, allowing us to sustain ourselves without relying on human blood."

His words offered me a glimpse into the intricacies of vampire physiology, a subject that had long remained shrouded in mystery and speculation.

The realization that the Hales had found a way to coexist with humans without resorting to violence filled me with a sense of relief.

"However," Cassius continued, his tone shifting slightly as he broached a more delicate subject,

"human blood does possess certain... benefits. It can enhance our abilities and reverse age to some extent."

"But such power comes at a cost," Cassius added, his voice tinged with a hint of solemnity.

"The more one indulges in human blood, the stronger the craving becomes. It can become a relentless hunger that consumes the very essence of one's being."

I nodded in understanding, a sense of relief washing over me as I realized that I was not in the presence of danger.

Despite the allure of human blood, the Hale family had chosen to abstain from feeding on it, opting instead for a more peaceful coexistence with humanity.

"As for why you are still alive," Cassius continued, his voice soft yet authoritative,

"it is because we saw no reason to harm you. You have shown us nothing but kindness and curiosity, traits that we value deeply."

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