Chapter 18: 'Welcome To The Family'

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The car ride with Selina and Enoch was an experience like no other.

The sleek interior of the luxury vehicle cocooned me in an odd sense of opulence that contrasted sharply with the conversation—or rather, interrogation—that followed.

I settled into the plush leather seats, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation.

The engine purred to life as Enoch started the vehicle, and the silence within the car was stifling, almost deafening.

We were all acutely aware of the unspoken questions that hung in the air.

The silence that settled in the car was thick, only broken when Enoch, with a mischievous grin, turned his attention to me.

"So, Ethan," Enoch began, his voice casual yet loaded with intent,

"Ever thought about joining our ranks? Becoming a vampire?"

His grin widened, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and something else, something darker.

Before I could even process the question, Selina's hand shot out, resting on Enoch's arm as she interrupted him.

"Enoch, don't." she said, her tone firm, though there was a touch of frustration in her eyes.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes briefly meeting mine, silently urging me to stay silent.

It was clear she didn't want me involved in their world, at least not in that way.

I was taken aback, the question so unexpected that my mind stumbled over itself.

The idea of becoming a vampire was a horrifying thought, and I was unsure of how to respond.

Enoch chuckled, clearly enjoying the discomfort his question had caused.

"Alright, alright," he said, steering the conversation in a different direction.

"Let's talk about something else then."

With Enoch's attention diverted, I took the opportunity to ask about the separate vehicles.

"Why are we following in a different car?" I inquired, genuinely curious about the peculiar arrangement.

Enoch's grin didn't falter.

"Selina's in a bit of trouble," he explained cryptically, as if that was a sufficient answer.

Selina shot him a reproachful glance, clearly not appreciating his casual mention of her situation.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for Selina, though I didn't press for details.

Instead, I tried to steer the conversation toward safer waters.

"What's it like, being a vampire?" I asked tentatively, hoping to change the topic to something less intense.

Enoch grinned, seemingly eager to share his experiences.

"It's exhilarating," he replied, his eyes lighting up with fervor.

"The strength, the speed, the heightened senses—it's like living life at a completely different level. You can't imagine the rush until you've experienced it."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of fascination and fear. The idea of possessing such power was both alluring and terrifying.

"I've even had my share of adventures," Enoch continued, his tone taking on a darker edge.

"There was a time when I left Cassius's guidance to explore my own path. I lived on the edge, embraced the thrill of the hunt." He paused, his eyes distant as he recalled his past.

"I've taken lives, yes," he admitted, his voice low,

"But only those who deserved it, those who preyed on the innocent. I've never harmed the innocent."

Selina, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of her seat, tried to divert the conversation. "Ethan, Enoch is just sharing his past experiences. It's not all like that, I promise."

As we continued the drive, the conversation shifted to the vampire lifestyle.

Enoch shared his experiences, revealing that he had once distanced himself from Cassius to explore his own path as a vampire.

His candidness was surprising; he admitted to having taken lives, but he insisted they were all criminals, never innocent souls.

I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine at the thought of Enoch's past actions.

Selina, attempting to change the subject, interjected with a topic she knew would pique my interest.

"Ethan's quite skilled in boxing," she said, her eyes seeking mine in a silent plea to change the conversation's course.

Enoch, however, was undeterred.

He continued talking animatedly about the vampire lifestyle, painting a picture of exhilarating freedom and endless possibilities.

His words were almost convincing, and yet, I couldn't shake off the underlying sense of danger that seemed to lurk beneath the surface.

The car eventually pulled up to an impressive mansion, nestled among the trees, a sight both grand and eerie.

As we stepped out of the vehicle, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was stepping into something far beyond my understanding, a world of secrets and shadows.

With each step towards the Hale residence, I braced myself for whatever revelations awaited me in this enigmatic place.


Enoch, with his characteristic grin, drove off, leaving us in the company of vampires whose lives stretched far beyond my understanding.

The air was thick with anticipation and centuries of secrets, and I clung to Selina's hand like a lifeline in the midst of the unknown. 

As we stepped into the grandeur of the Hale mansion, I was awestruck by its opulence.

The polished marble floors reflected the warm glow of the chandeliers hanging overhead, casting a golden hue on the surroundings.

Selina held my hand reassuringly, guiding me through the lavish halls and up a grand staircase.

In the living room, the Hale family awaited us.

Jon, the towering figure, greeted me with a friendly smile that instantly put me at ease.

Beside him, Elena exuded warmth and acceptance, her eyes kind and welcoming.

But Lora, Enoch's partner, regarded me with a hint of hostility, her eyes narrowing in a way that sent a chill down my spine. 

I made a conscious effort to avoid her eyes, not wanting to provoke any unnecessary tension.

Cassius and Eleanor Hale, the patriarch and matriarch of the family, sat gracefully on the couch. Cassius, with his penetrating gaze and air of authority.

Cassius approached me, extending a hand in greeting.

I shook it, feeling the weight of his centuries-old existence in the firmness of his grip.

His hands found their way to my shoulders, and he assessed me with a keen eye.

I stood still, allowing him to examine me, my heart pounding in my chest.

His touch was cold, sending a shiver down my spine.

Cassius's hands then rested on my shoulders, and he seemed to appraise me as if I were an intriguing specimen.

"You have an impressive physique, Ethan," Cassius remarked, his voice smooth yet commanding.

"Your blood, too, carries a certain purity, a mark of your character."
His words hung in the air, emphasizing the significance of what he was implying.

Selina, visibly nervous, tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of blood, but Cassius reassured her, explaining that he was merely acknowledging the essence of who I was.

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