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Zara's POV

It was the night before the reunion and I was honestly terrified. I hadn't seen any of the people from high school for almost 5 years now. I don't even know who is going to be there. If he, the guy who made my high school life a hell will be there, I'm gonna leave.

I took a long shower, shaved every centimeter of my body, and scrubbed as much as possible. After I did my skincare more perfect than I ever do, since I'm gonna meet people I wanna look presentable. I got ready for bed, and read for a little.

I woke up at around 9 am, but I stayed in bed for a while just scrolling on my phone. Then I remembered that kris had said he has a band so I decided to go and check out their music. I searched up the name of the band and played the song that was on the top.

It was actually really good and I listened to their whole discography while I was getting myself ready for later. I wanted to curl my hair which took a few hours since my hair was very long and thick.

I got done with my hair at 3 pm and ordered some takeout for lunch, so I didn't have to focus on cooking food as well.

Kris had texted me asking if I'd like to go there together, which I happily accepted and he was gonna pick me up at 17.30.

I started on my make up and did a pretty light with a simple eyeliner. And then I wore some baggy light blue jeans and just a regular black shirt.

I got a text from Kris saying he was here, so I quickly put on my shoes and went down to meet him. He was standing outside his car and when he saw me he walked over and pulled me into a hug.

- hey, I'm so glad that you could make it!

- yea me too!

We got into the care and drove to the location that they had decided to meet. It was about a 15 minute drive and it was silent most of them time.

- I listened to your bands music, it's really good.

- oh really, I'm glad you liked it.

- yes it's amazing!

- two of the members actually went in our class and they will be there too.

We just got there and we both got out of the car and started walking towards all the people. After a few minutes kris said he had spotted the ones in his band and took my hand and lead me over to them.

- okey so Zara this is bojan, and Jan, do you recognize them?

If I did recognize them, or more specifically him. There he stood, my high school bully. I haven't seen him since high school ended and was hoping that I never would have to. And he looked very different and funny enough he actually dressed the way I used to, one of the reasons he would bully me. Not only that but apparently he's also not only listening to but making the type of music he would make fun of me for liking. But I pretend like I didn't and just acted normal.

We all talked for a while until Jan asked if he could talk to me in privet, and I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous. We walked over to a corner where no one was and he actually looked kinda nervous, which wasn't very like him.

- okey so, I know you remember me, I saw the way you looked at me. And I also know why you remember me. And I really just wanna say sorry for everything. I've regretted all the things I've said and done to you ever since I started. But I kind of felt like once I had started it was already too late.

- you could just have stopped then, you didn't have to keep going. You destroyed my entire high school time, and my confidence as well.

- I know, I know but I was young and stupid and didn't realize how much I actually destroyed for you. I don't except you to forgive me I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry.

- I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you, but I'm not gonna say no for all eternity. We will see, but I appreciate you apologizing.

We both walked back to the others and just had a good time. It was getting pretty late and some people went home and some to a bar. But I was honestly so tired so I didn't really feel like going to a bar, but kris had suggested we all come to his place and then he would invite the other two band members that didn't go to our school, so I would get to meet all of them.

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