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Zara's POV

We had just gotten to kris apartment and we all sat down in the couch waiting for the last two to arrive. Kris offered us all some beer which we all gladly accepted.

We were just chatting and after a few minutes someone knocked on the door. Kris went to open, and back came he and two other guys. They were both pretty tall one with tattoos and the other one had blonde hair covering half of his face.

- hi I'm jure nice to meet you, you must be Zara right?

- yea that's me, it's nice to meet you jure.

- and I'm Nace.

They both sat down in the couch and they started telling me about all different kind of stuff they have been doing as a band. And I was honestly so impressed and proud of them. They really deserved all of it, they were amazing.

We had been talking for a while and had decided to play never have I ever, with shots. If you have done it you drink, it's simple.

We had been playing a few rounds and it was all pretty mild questions, but then another question came that I was not expecting. "Never have I ever had a crush on someone in here". Id hate to admit it but actually did have a crush on Jan before everything started. I didn't know whether I should lie and not drink or if I should just do it, I mean, I wouldn't have to say who right? I took a shot and all eyes were on me. I don't think I thought about the fact that this would mean they would have three people to guess on only, I kinda forgot about the fact that I met Nace and jure today. I was bombed with questions but I kept quiet.

We played for a little while until everyone has started to become extremely drunk, and no one was in a state where they would be able to get themselves home. Kris had offered that we could all stay at his place, which we all accepted since we didn't really have much other choice.

Two of us would have to sleep on the couch, one could share bed with Kris, and then he had one double mattress and a single.

Kris asked if I'd like to sleep in his bed since I was closest to him. I had started getting along really well with bojan, but I had just met jure and Nace and I still haven't talked much with Jan today. I kind of just pretend he wasn't there and didn't even look at him. I really want to be able to forgive him but I honestly don't know if I can. I still am really really hurt by the way he treated me and all the things he had said, and I got reminded by it every time I saw his face or heard his voice.

I didn't have anything to wear for bed with me so Kris gave me a t shirt and we both went to bed.

- I've noticed you don't talk anything with Jan or won't even look at him? What's up, did he say something when you two were talking?

- you don't know?

- no so please tell me.

- Jan used to be my bully through all of high school, and seeing him has brought back all pain and memories.

- omg I'm so sorry I didn't know, if I knew I would never have made you meet him again. He never told me about this.

- well why would he? When he took me away to talk he explained how sorry he was and that he regretted all of it, and that he had regretted it since he first started but he kept going. I do want to be able to forgive him someday. But I won't be able to do so now, if I ever will forgive him it'll take time.

- yeah I understand that, I really hope you two will be able to figure it out, cause I'd love to have these little hang out nights. I really had an amazing evening and night so thank you very much for being a part of it.

- I had an amazing time too!

It didn't take long before we both had fallen into a deep sleep. It was a very much needed sleep, I've been so anxious this whole day and it has made me really exhausted. But the day actually turned out really good, way over expectations.

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