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Zara's POV

Me and Jan have actually been dating for a few weeks now. And it's all going amazing. I was genuinely happy around him and it felt like I could actually be myself without having to be insecure.

And since I've been with Jan I've also started playing more and more bass again which I had missed a lot. And I still painted of course but not as much since I started playing more. It's not like I do painting as a job anymore but just as a fun side hobby.

I've been hanging out a lot with the joker boys and Jan had even brought up the whole singing thing that he had mentioned before. Which all the boys thought sounded like an amazing idea. So today I was supposed to come to the studio and record a song of my choice so they could see if they liked my voice or not.

I'm not gonna lie I'm actually really nervous. I've never done anything like this, all I have ever done was singing at home where no one would ever hear me. And now I'm supposed to be recorded in a studio and possibly make a song. Of course it was also really exciting but still, the nerves were insane.

Me and Jan were sitting in the car on our way to the studio to meet up with bojan. The others would not be there today so it would just be me, Jan and bojan. Which sort of made me more calm rather than I would have had 5 people listening to me. And since bojan was a singer it was quite nice to have him here so he could help me if there was something I had to change. To say at least I was I good hands.

We got into the studio and I was gonna decide on a song to sing. It wasn't as easy as you might think, but I decided to just go with sunny side of London just to make it easy. And then they would also see if they like my voice to their type of music if that makes sense.

I was in the recording room waiting for bojan to signal me to start. He gave me a thumbs up and I started singing. It actually went way better than I expected. I went out to the other two to see what they had to say.

- why have you never showed me you can sing? This is amazing you know that right?

- aw thank you so much I really appreciate it bojan.

- I mean it, I would love to make a song with you if you want?

- I mean why not.

We didn't do much more after that and just talked a little before me and Jan went back to his place. Jan had promised me a movie night so we had to go to a grocery shop first to get some snacks.

We got into the store looking around for what to get. We got ourselves a little cart and started to fill it up. I didn't really care what we got, but strawberries was a need.

When we arrived back to Jan's place I hurried in to meet Igor again. I love that damn cat. He was so cute, even cuter than Jan even. And that's not an easy thing to achieve.

- Zara I need to talk to you.

- yea sure, what's up?

- I know it's probably a bit early but who actually cares. I love you.

- I- oh.

- please don't tell me I've scared you off now.

- I love you too.

It didn't take many seconds before he crashed his lips onto mine. I want to live in this moment forever, and never move away from this exact moment. Who would have thought that a high school reunion would make me fall in love with my bully? But I wouldn't wanna change I single thing about it.


The end

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