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(Meanwhile, with our heroes, they arrive on a highway in the middle of a rainstorm. A taxi cab flies in front of them. Both Marty and Annie scream and Doc swerves just in time.)

Marty: Doc, what the hell was that?

Doc: Taxi cab.

Annie: (She's a little freaked.) I thought we were flying!

Doc: (He smiles.) Precisely!

Marty: Alright Doc. Where are we? When are we?

Doc: We're descending on Hill Valley, California on October 21, 2015.

Annie: 2015? You mean we're in the future?

Doc: Yes, Annie we are.

Marty: Doc, what's going on?

Annie: Yeah, what's the deal?

Doc: I need you two to take the places of your future children.

Marty: Wait a minute here, Doc. Are you telling us that Annie and I...are married?

Annie: (Doc nods.) How the hell can we be married? We only kissed once!

Doc: I know it seems impossible but it's true. Hang on. This is our exit. (He turns off the highway and lands on an old road. He opens the doors of the De Lorean.) You two need to get out and change.

Marty: Right now?

Annie: It's pouring rain!

Doc: (He checks his watch.) Wait three more seconds. (Three seconds pass and the rain lets up and the sun comes out. He gets out of the De Lorean.) Right on the tick, amazing. Too bad the weather service isn't as efficient as the weather service... (Marty and Annie get out of the De Lorean, too. He starts to pull on his face.) Sorry for the disguise you two but I had a change of blood, which added a few years to my live. (He pulls off the mask. He looks about the same.) What do you think?

Marty: You look great, Doc.

Annie: Yeah, really awesome.

Marty: (He turns back around.) The future. I've got to check this out, Doc.

Doc: All in due time, Marty. We have a mission to accomplish.

Marty: Tell me about my future. I mean, I know I make it big but...

Annie: Oh, come on, Marty. Do you think Doc is really going to tell you that? Didn't you learn anything back in 1955?

Doc: Annie is right, Marty but you'll both learn about your futures soon enough. Take off your shirt, Marty. (He gets out a luggage thing.) Put on the jacket and the shoes. Annie, you're with me. (He gets some binoculars.) We've got a mission to accomplish! (He and Annie take off and he looks through the binoculars and sees a look-alike of Marty and Annie.) Right on schedule. (He gives Annie a headband and a white sweater.) Put these on.

Annie: Sure thing, Doc. (She puts the headband on her head.) What about the sweater, waist or wear?

Doc: Waist. (Annie ties the sweater around her waist.) Perfect. You're the spitting image of your future daughter, Emma Clara McFly.

Annie: Emma...that's a pretty name, Doc.

Doc: (He smiles at her.) I agree with you, Annie. Let's go check on Marty.

(Doc and Annie go back to Marty.)

Marty: Powered laces, awesome! (He looks up and sees Doc and Annie.) Doc, who the hell is this?

Annie: (She rolls her eyes.) Marty, it's me, Annie!

Marty: (He perks up and blushes.) Wow, Annie. You're really pretty.

Doc: (Annie blushes.) Oh, pull out your pants pockets. (Marty and Annie do as they are told.) All kids of the future wear their pants inside out. Put on this cap. (He puts the cap on Marty's head.) Perfect. You're the spitting image of your future son, Clayton Brown McFly.

Marty: name, Doc.

Annie: And you better address me as Emma until we straighten out whatever it is straightened out.

Doc: (He shows them a paper.) Looks at what happens to your son.

Marty: (He takes the paper.) Our son? (He takes a good look at him.) God, he does look just like me. (He reads it aloud.) "Within two hours of his arrest, Clayton Brown McFly was arrested, tried, and convicted into the state prison."

Annie: Within two hours?

Doc: The justice system works swiftly now since they abolished all lawyers.

Marty: Aw, this is heavy.

Doc: Oh, gets worse. Next week, your daughter tries to bail him out and she gets set up for twenty years!

Annie: My doppelgänger.

Doc: Don't you two see? This one event has a chain reaction on your entire family causing everything for your family to become miserable. (He gets out a magazine.) Take a look at this.

Marty: (He takes it and it is a report on Marty.) Hey, this is a report on me. (He reads it aloud.) "Marty McFly, the well-known and top music agent and his life with his wife, Annie Baines-McFly, the successful rejuvenation clinic doctor and their children, Clayton and Emma McFly." (He perks up.) I'm a top music agent? Awesome!

Annie: And I'm a doctor of a 'rejuvenation' clinic? What the hell is....? (She perks up and sees Doc.) Wait. I'm the one who gave you the new blood, aren't I?

Doc: (He nods.) Indeed, Annie. Now, here's the plan. Marty will go around the corner to the café '80's. One of those nostalgic places not done right. (He gives Marty a fifty.) Go in and order a Pepsi, wait for a guy named Griff. He'll ask you about tonight's opportunity and you tell him no. Whatever he says or whatever he does, say no. Then leave, come back here and wait for Annie and me. Annie and I will try to stall the real Clayton and Emma. (His alarm goes off.) Damn, we're late! Come Annie! We've got to stall Clayton and Emma!

Annie: Good luck, Marty.

Marty: Yeah, you too.

(Annie gets in the De Lorean with Doc and they take off.)


Wishmaker1028: We'll be going back and forth between Marty and Annie after this so hang on! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box! 

Cousin's in Time: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now