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October 26, 1985

8:10 p.m.

Marty's POV

Doc drove up to my house and Annie and I got out.

Doc said, "If you two need me, I'll be at my lab, dismantling this thing."

I nodded and responded, "Right, Doc."

We closed the door and Doc drove off. Annie looked disoriented.

She mumbled, "Something seems wrong here. It's weird."

I looked around myself and got over to the fence. I tried to open it but it was locked.

I mumbled, totally confused and still holding the lock, "What the hell?"

Annie perked up and stated, "This is what I mean. Your fence has never been locked for as long as I've known you and that's a long time."

I started to climb over the fence and instructed her, "Wait here. If I'm not back in ten minutes, then that means everything is fine."

I hopped over the fence, opened my bedroom window, snuck into my bedroom, and someone was in my bed. It was black girl about twelve or thirteen years old. She started to scream and her father came in, with a baseball bat. He started to yell at me to get out of his house. My heart skipped a beat. Annie was right. Something was indeed wrong.

I ran out the house and yelled to Annie, "Run Annie!"

She shot me a curious look but saw the black man coming out of the house and ran off after me. We stopped in front of several wrecked cars.

I asked, "Annie, what in the world is going on?"

Annie shrugged and answered, "I don't know but we better find a newspaper. Maybe Doc was wrong and we're in the wrong year."

I nodded and we walked off to another house. I picked up the paper on the steps, sat down, and the date said, 'October 26, 1985'.

Annie perked up at this and responded, "We are in the right year!"

Just then, we heard a rifle.

We heard a voice saying, "Okay, put the paper down you two."

We turned around, saw Strickland, and got up.

I said, happily, "Mr. Strickland! You have no idea how happy we are to see you! It's us sir. Marty and Annie!"

Mr. Strickland aimed his rifle at us and responded, "Who?"

Annie waved her hands and answered, franked, "Marty McFly and Annie Baines, sir!"

Mr. Strickland gave us a curious stare and responded, "Well, I don't know you two are and you two look like slackers."

Annie perked up and asked, "Wait a minute, Mr. Strickland. You mean you don't recognize us?"

I responded, "You gave us detention last week!"

Mr. Strickland gave us curious stares and explained, "Last week? The school burnt down six months ago! Now, I'm going to give you two ten seconds to get off my property with your guts in tack!"

Just when Annie and I were going to try and make a break for it, a car came over and started shooting at Mr. Strickland. We all took cover and Mr. Strickland went chasing after the gang, calling them slackers. Annie and I took off like a shot and ended up downtown. We looked down and saw the sign and it read, 'Hell Valley'. We bumped into someone and it was Red.

He slurred, "Watch where you're going, you drunk walkers!"

Annie and I said, in unison, "Red!"

We looked around and saw a bunch of bikers. We also saw a hotel where City Hall is supposed to be. A giant sign above the hotel read, in big letters, 'Biff Tannen's Paradise'.

Annie blurted out, "Biff Tannen? What the hell is going on?"

I shook my head and answered, "I don't know, Annie but we better check this out."


Annie's POV

We went over to a museum where we saw a video.

The announcer spoke and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Biff Tannen Museum, dedicated to Hill Valley's number one citizen, and America's greatest living folk hero, the one, the only, Biff Tannen. Of course, we've all heard the legend, but who is the man? Inside you will learn how Biff Tannen became one of the richest and most powerful men in America."

The T.V. showed a clip of Biff driving away from a big house with a Ferrari.

Marty perked up at this and asked, "When the hell did he get a Ferrari?"

The narrator continued, "Learn the amazing history of the Tannen family, starting with his great grandfather, Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen, the fastest gun in the west."

The screen changed to a picture of a man with long greasy hair and a cowboy hat.

"See Biff's humble beginnings and how a trip to the races on his 21st birthday made him a millionaire overnight," the narrator stated.

The T.V. screen changed to a picture of a newspaper. Biff was on the front page throwing money up in the air under the headline HILL VALLEY MAN WINS BIG AT RACES!

"Share in the excitement of a fabulous winning streak that earned him the nickname, "The Luckiest Man on Earth". Learn how Biff parlayed that lucky winning streak into the vast empire named Biffco. Discover how in 1979 Biff successfully lobbied to legalize gambling. And turned Hill Valley's dilapidated Courthouse into a beautiful casino-hotel," the narrator continued.

Next popped up a picture of another newspaper reading GAMBLING LEGALIZED in big bold letters.

"I just want to say one thing - God bless America," a video of Biff said.

I rolled her eyes and responded, "Oh brother. He sure does think highly of himself, doesn't he?"

Marty nodded as the narrator continued, "Meet the women who shared in his passion as he searched for true love..."

It showed a couple pictures of women with him. The T.V. cut to a picture of Aunt Lorraine.

"...and relive Biff's happiest moments, as in 1973 he realized his lifelong dream by marrying his high school sweetheart, Lorraine Baines-McFly," the narrator commented.

The T.V. went on to show a clip of Aunt Lorraine and Biff leaving the church. Aunt Lorraine looks unhappy and you can tell she was forced into the marriage. Biff leans over and kisses her. Some news reporters run up to him and ask how he's feeling.

"Third time's the charm," Biff replied simply.

Marty screamed at the top of his lungs, "NO!"

I didn't even notice that Biff goons were behind me and knocked me out. The last thing I saw was Marty being knocked over the head too.


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box! 

Cousin's in Time: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now