Chapter Three

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Angela POV

"I love you", Ethan said after the kiss. I was shocked when he said that but I had this feeling in my gut that I loved him too. "I love you too Ethan", I say.

He looked at me and smiled then we held hands the rest of the plane ride.

The flight was over and I called Anderson(my brother) because, he called me when I was on my flight.

"Hello", Anderson says. "Hey, did you call me earlier", I asked. "Um yeah... I just wanted to tell you that mom and dad want you to bring them something from LA", he says. "Okay... is that it", I say. "Yeah",he says. "Okay bye",I say hanging up the phone.

I walked up to Cameron and I asked if she wanted to go to eat. She said yeah and we went to eat. We decided to have pizza.

When we ordered our pizza and sat down we had girl talk since the boys were skating around the airport.

"So Angela do you have a crush on anyone", Cameron asked me. "Umm... Yeah", I say blushing. "OMG...Who", she asked. "Umm...He is related to you", I say. "Is it Ethan", she asked. "Uh... Yeah", I say blushing. "We kind of kissed on the plane", I say. Her eyes widen and she was shocked then smiled, "You guys will make a adorable couple", she say. "Haha...Cam", I say.

We talked for about 30 minutes then went to the gate.

Ethan POV

We saw the girls coming our way, I walked up to Angela and gave her a hug. "Gross guys", Grayson says. "Haha...Grayson", she says to him.

I wanted to ask Angela if she want to be my girlfriend but I was worried if she was going to say no because we just met. It feels like I've known her my whole life because she is a YouTuber and explains about life. I just decided to ask her right now.

"Hey umm...Angela can we talk", I ask. "Uhh....Yeah sure", she says. We walked over to the empty row of chairs and sat down. "So Angela I...I was wondering if...if you wanted to be my girlfriend", I ask very nervous.

Angela POV

My eyes widened and I smiled. "Yes, Ethan", I say starting to cry. He's hugs me and kisses me and wipes my tears away. "Angela why are you crying", he asked. "You are my first boyfriend", I say. "Oh, well you're my first girlfriend", he says grabbing my hand.

(In LA)

We just landed at LAX airport and I had to rush to go rush to my meeting because it is 45 minutes away and the meet is in 1 hour.

I arrived at the meet just in time. I got to my manager office and we talked business.

"So Angela what do you want to accomplish this year and next year", Vanessa (my manager) asked. "I want to accomplish multiple things. I really want to have my album done by the of the year and released early next year and I also want to go on tour", I say going through my notes. "Well I will see what I and do", she says writing into her notebook.

The meeting was over and I headed back to the hotel.

Let's see what is going to happen at VidCon?

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