Pulled A Heart

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Within her world, the only colour existed except from black and white was red. Either from others or herself, it was a tone that she had get used to since forever. She even had forgotten how the world before she knew how to make the colour sparked out of other people. But she didn't miss it and just simply embraced the cold air hitting her palms when she was covered in that similar colour.

For that she didn't have any choice. She learned in hard way that red was her colour whether she favoured it or not.

In spite of that fact, she felt odd that she found herself staring at a someone in a whole other world. As if all colours around the world shone her dull sight when that certain person rushed infront of her. Even the colours that were unknown to her came to light, her breath halted. At the moment like a reborn child, she for the first time saw how beautiful a person could be.

"Yeji get out of here. I can handle this."

The loud voice pulled her back from her trance that she realized the situation she was in.

There were four and maybe more men coming to their ways. Those men were above average in combat skills that even Yeji couldn't match them, resulting to the red liquid pouring out of her shoulder. The only barrier protecting her from dying was a girl, Shin Ryujin.

"But Shin-"

"It's fine. I will be there before you say you are hungry again."

Weird. Yeji was a never a woman who would stumble for pretty words from a charming girl but as she walked away, a smile made it to her lips. She took a last glance to the woman as the blond haired had her fist bursted one of the man's face before escaping the hallway.

Foreign was a feeling of concern towards another person that she hadn't relived for a very long time. She had no reason to, perhaps for the lack of cares she had for people around her. To her, all of them were strangers and strangers didn't deserve any of her sympathy.

Nonethelessly, that night her legs didn't stop moving. After her shoulder had been treated, steps could be heard as she went round and round of the secret room they were hiding in. Her subordinates would look at her all with strange looks but she didn't care for most since there was only one person rendered her mind at the time.

Yeji only stopped after an hour when the door finally opened to reveal a blond haired holding her stomach. Limping her way with the help of her trusted right-hand man. She smiled widely when she saw the red-haired girl but the flowery feeling was cut short when her head swung to the left because of a slap against her right cheek.

"You are late. I am starving already." Yeji huffed out.

Comically, Ryujin chuckled lightly. Wiping the strings of blood coming down her teared lips on her black suit sleeve before looking back to the fierce girl infront of her with a smirk so charming that anyone could melt within radius two steps from her.

"Let's go for some dinner shall we?"


Ryujin frowned upon it.

"Why not?"

Yeji didn't reply. Instead, she pulled the blond haired so harsh that the girl grunted before falling to the couch near them. All the men inside the room were forced outside before Yeji locked the door.

Ryujin would want to ask about it all she could, but Yeji was just gonna ignored her at this point. The red haired sat beside her before snatching off the suit Ryujin had from her shoulder. The blond was hissing in pain while narrowing her eyes to the girl, thinking that if it was someone else the red haired would have been shot dead right there and then.

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