Sleepover 4

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The crimson hue shone through out the once blue canvas. Orange highlighted every frowns and every muscle moves of the two girls while the air passed by them to be the witness of the long-winded quarrel. Students that were surrounding them thought that it was not in their best interests to get their noses up on the two girls' business any longer since it seemed more personal than what the fallout of the relationship had told them.

More than just a scandal of best friends. More than just scurrying over a boy, the crowd could see the ulterior emphased through each charges of the girls and scattered away afterwards. Leaving the space empty without audiences to watch how Yeji got tackled onto the ground yet again.

Flaps of the crows and the high-pitched chirps of the birds complimenting Ryujin as she made her way on top of the brunette to claim her victory. However, it was short-lived as the girl beneath her flipped the position right away, not because she outdid Ryujin's attack. Instead, Ryujin simply didnt do anything further. When she was seated on Yeji's torso all that she did was boring her brown eyes into Yeji's. Staring into the vast empty space longingly, Ryujin couldnt help but to stare.

Even now when Yeji was straddling her body, she fell silent like a mannequin.

Soon, the air no longer visited her lungs. Harder and harder, she felt the complexity to breath. How could she not when there were two pair of palms wrapped around her neck. Her throat was shringed within the girl's hands, Yeji blocking her air tunnel with a scowl and ragged huffes. Ryujin could feel her chest burdened with the tall girl's weight as Yeji leaned onto her.

Yeji was killing her and yet she smiled merely when her brown eyes spotted the thin invisible wall layered on those cat-like eyes, threatening to fall.

"I hate you."

Faintly but Ryujin was quick enough to listen. It was not really her fault likely to the cat-eyed's accusation. It was neither Yeji's fault for being scared of their vulgar. Nonetheless, Ryujin let herself defeated. Let the blame imposed on her shoulder if it meant to soothe the brunette's broken heart. She would be the villain of this story.

Yeji could be the protagonist and she would gladly take the ugly part.

"Kill me."

Ryujin croaked out despite the pain. Unable to breathe, the tangerine clouds started to spin around her head. The thumps against the fragile case within her small body slowed down on one tempo and another in each seconds. Her splitted lips wrecked down another weak smile before her eyes drooped. Finally giving into the daze.

"I know you want to."

All she wished for now was to dissapear.

Ryujin didnt know since when did all the fun gone. The random jokes and the little kisses. The childish fight and the lovely amend. What did they do for things to turn its back from them. Those three girls in the past had no idea it would turn out like this because if she did, she would never play along.

The raven sighed breathily out. Closing her eyes and at the last moment when there was no hope left, like a balloon filled with abrupt air she inhaled a large amount of it that her throat squeaked as she did.

The weight on her body dismissed while her eyes shot open only to see Yeji being dragged by other people. Older people. Teachers that the both girls refrained to look up for had been their saviours at the most crucial. Feeling the taste of her own medicine on the tips of her lips, she thought she should have just abid to the teachers. She chuckled a bit as the sight of the whimping Yeji blurring away. Afterall, the teachers knew better.


"Your parents will arrive soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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