Chapter 10 - Pride or Joy

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Jack stayed listening behind Elsa's window as her mother and maid rushed inside. His hand kept rubbing his neck which was still sore after the old magic to protect humans kicked in. A vampire couldn't come inside a lived home without being invited first.

He listened to them talking and it seemed like this was no big deal except the fact that he was thrown out. The word period was mentioned often. The morning was about to come so he had to leave from under her window.

Jack hid inside a shed where he made sure to cover all the narrow gaps of the wall to block the sunlight when The morning would rise.

Once he was done he sat down and sighed. He wasn't in a good mood because he traveled for so long and she basically threw him out even though she just scared the hell out of him.

A sudden bang was followed with a bright flash and he barely managed to mouth out hell no before he was sealed inside a sack that was big enough for a grown man.

Two large figures with long gray hair, long beards and the most hairy arms you could imagine dragged the cursing sack inside a portal that soon vanished.

The sack was tossed inside a large hall of an old Mansion located in the north. The figures glanced at each other and then back at the sack that kept wiggling and throwing insults.

"Okay, let him out," North, the leader of the Guardian family, said.

The men sighed and slowly opened the sack. They were met by a strong gust of wind that they bravely fought against before being tossed back at the wall.

"And here we go again," North sighed with his strong accent and crossed his arms.

Jack flew out from the sack and the room began to freeze. His eyes sparkled from anger as he tossed his arm to his side. The pots and paintings flew down from the wall.

"Why did you bring me here again!" He yelled and grit his teeth.

"You are upset," North spoke calmly and stood still as a rock even though his subordinates tried to hold on to doorframes to prevent them from flying down the hall.

A window broke as a statue flew through it.

"Of course I am! You didn't ask my permission to drag me here ," Jack huffed and rose from the ground.

"So if I ask you politely next time, then I can bring you home?" North laughed.

Jack frowned and rolled his eyes, "That's not what I meant old man."

Phil, the larger one of North's helpers landed down on the floor first. On his stomach. Next was Phineas, the hairier of the two brothers.
Jack had calmed down seemingly and landed on his feet.

"Now, now. You are old as well, Jokul," North smiled.

Jack's eyes softened when he heard his given name.

"Yeah, I guess I am…thanks to you…" Jack hummed and grabbed a fallen chair which he lifted up and placed on the floor the right way before sitting down.

"Mm… since I turned you when you were about to die…we have that special little connection and I feel it in my belly when something is wrong with my adopted son," North chuckled and patted his huge belly.

Jack chuckled as well and raised his eyebrow , " More like in here." He said and touched his head.

The one who turns someone to a vampire has a connection. They can share their strongest feelings through some sort of telepathy of sorts. Still the emotion needs to be a special kind for them to feel it.

North shook his head but decided to leave it there.

"Oh well, what's troubling you so much that it gives me a sore stomach?" North asked and noticed Jack's expression changing.

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