Kacchan, Respectfully, Choke on It

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Written by: Doodlejoops


Izuku wearing Mirko's costume is the worst (best) thing to have ever happened to Katsuki.


Katsuki was simply of the opinion now that Weird Shit Always Happened when he left Class A to their own devices for any length of time. It wasn't that his presence strictly prohibited any of the weirder shit; he couldn't care less what his classmates got up to so long as they respected his desire to have fuck all to do with it. But he had two years' worth of case studies confirming that his absence curated an atmosphere of complete abandon.

With that in mind, he braced himself for what he would find once he shuffled his way back to the dorms, still dressed in his dark yukata, exhausted from a day spent with his all too histrionic mother, a paper bag stacked with the treats she had insisted he brought back for his classmates to share held haphazardly under his arm. He could hear the raised voices and raucous laughter from outside, and with the sky darkening it was easy to see inside the common area through the tall windows. He yawned, acknowledging the excitable movements and the bright red head bobbing up and down, before doing an actual double take, his jaw dropping as he stopped at the base of the stairs.

Class A got up to some questionable shit. The bond they shared with one another after all that they had been through seemed to leave nothing off of the table; after all, there was nothing like facing actual death to put a few things into perspective. But seeing several sets of entirely bare asses, adorned with bouncing bunny tails, was definitely topping his mental Weird Shit ranking. Kirishima, devoid of shame, was leaping up and down, the fabric between his legs holding on for dear fucking life, his voice loudest among the group. Pink Cheeks and Ears were standing side by side, the former shoving mochi into her mouth even as she chatted excitably to a firmly blushing Class President. Jirou, at least, seemed somewhat aware of quite how much skin was on show, surreptitiously tugging at the fabric. And, as if a final insult to the day he had, Icyhot was also dressed in the bold white and purple bodysuit, expression bored even as he leaned onto one leg, casually sipping the drink in his hand. Katsuki's eyes darted across the room, and seeing that no one else was dressed in Mirko's hero costume was somehow even more confusing... what exactly had the four of them done? With a tired grumble, Katsuki continued up the stairs, pushing open the tall double doors, the creek of the hinges announcing his arrival.


Kirishima was the first to launch himself forward; all seventy kilos of him a blur of white and red as he grabbed Katsuki around the shoulders and yanked him into a bear hug, Katsuki's face buried in his goddamn tits for a moment before he screamed.

"You're gonna crush the fuckin' datemaki!"


Kirishima pulled back, and Katsuki aimed a blast at his face, protecting the crumbled paper bag under his arm.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

Kirishima grinned, arms spread as he spun on the spot, gracing Katsuki with an unobstructed view of his boxy ass, the fluffy tail jiggling.

"Mirko came to visit!" Kirishima explained. "She brought outfits for the girls but some of us lost a bet."

"She still here?" Katsuki asked, storming towards the table in the centre of the room, already covered in leftovers and placing his mothers' parcel carefully in the middle.

"Nah, she left about half an hour ago."

"So why the fuck are you still wearing that?"

"It's actually quite comfortable," came Shouto's voice, wandering to Katsuki's side and peering inside of the bag curiously. Katsuki snarled, smacking the back of Shouto's hand harshly.

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