circumbinary orbit

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Written by: saigen


"Oh, I know!" Hadou looks inordinately pleased with herself, eyes sparkling, words too loud for the classroom where anyone can, and does, overhear them. "It's a hickey, right? It's gotta be from Toogata!"

People are looking at them. Tamaki puts all his effort into sinking further into his chair, but unfortunately, he was born with his own quirk and not Mirio's, and he must only occupy the space above it.

"Hey, Amajiki, hey," Hadou says. "Are you sleeping with Toogata?"

Or, how Tamaki ends up having a threesome with his two best friends.


"Hey, hey, Amajiki, did you know?"

Tamaki's ever-present sense of forboding spikes at the sound of his name. He turns in his seat, and Hadou, as always, is right there.

"What?" he asks. Queasy.

"Right here!" she says. She points to his neck. "You have a big purple mark! So mysterious. How'd you get it?"

Tamaki's hand flies to his neck and claps down over it. He tries to tug his collar up, tries to melt into himself, tries to will himself to die where he sits. He can feel the eyes of his classmates seated nearby swing towards him and bore white-hot holes into him, can feel the weight of Hadou's words on his shoulders. She doesn't mean any harm. Hadou is a good person, a person he can trust, but—

"Oh, I know!" Hadou looks inordinately pleased with herself, eyes sparkling, words too loud for the classroom where anyone can, and does, overhear them. "It's a hickey, right? It's gotta be from Toogata!"

People are looking at them. Tamaki puts all his effort into sinking further into his chair, but unfortunately, he was born with his own quirk and not Mirio's, and he must only occupy the space above it.

"Hey, Amajiki, hey," Hadou says. "Are you sleeping with Toogata?"

The floodgates open.

It's not as though it was ever a secret that Tamaki and Mirio are dating. No, not dating. That word doesn't really encompass the nature of their relationship. Tamaki doesn't think they've ever actually been on anything he would qualify as a date, which may be a prerequisite for dating someone. They just spend time together. He's Mirio's boyfriend, but he's also Mirio's best friend, and those two terms are interchangeable for him, neither holding more weight or importance than the other. They're happiest in each other's company. They know everything about each other. They hold hands and they cuddle while watching movies and they kiss and, yes , Hadou-san, they're sleeping together.

This isn't news. It's not a recent development. It's mundane. If there's a person among the student body or the staff who doesn't know, they would probably shrug uninterestedly if they heard about it. Like most things in Tamaki's life, he imagines everyone else would regard it as unremarkable, not newsworthy, even though to him it's a part of himself as nonnegotiably necessary as breathing oxygen.

He's not really sure why Hadou picked now, or what sparked her interest in the first place. Maybe it really was that one visible love bite that got her gears turning, that caught her attention enough to make her really start thinking about it. But she's already had years of exposure to the invariable constant that is Mirio and Tamaki's relationship. If Mirio has left one purple spot on Tamaki, he's left a thousand.

Though admittedly, Tamaki is usually better at hiding them. And maybe that's the reason for the change. She had just been waiting for an opportunity to delve into a previously tacit topic. Because once the questions start coming, they don't stop.

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