Take turns to make a circle

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Written by: Anonymous


In Izuku's honest experience, it's the shadiest place he's ever been to.

There are strip clubs stacked on either side of this narrow building and the smell of something like burnt rubber which Ochako had dubbed as a description similar to crack, permeates through the air. A few frequenters are sitting on the stairs nearby, drunk and gambling, when the blond is seen losing, he jokes a threat with a pocket knife.

They notice him when Izuku is potentially debating to tuck tail and run.

"Mina-chan! There's some creep here stalking your Minnie."


For a time as long as the duration of his working position in The Tadaima, Ochako has always made it a point to religiously remind Izuku that he had a peculiar tendency of getting roped into situations which could be easily avoided if he only knew how to say No.

And this, Izuku drolls, his sneakers scratch against the floor, is exhibit A.

"Mina-san, it's honestly not a problem."

"Nonsense. This room might be a little across your alley but it'll be just fine for a night."

Izuku half-thinks this is only his rotten luck, half-blames that this might have been his adopted father's fault. He was coming back from a trek on Mount Sugisuna of the west, owing to his next Travel Blog series that he'll have to update under the journalist edition. Izuku, though a bit of a hazard to no one but himself, tends to keep an itinerary and planning everything to the little details.

He's been accused of being too nit-picky by his relatives and mother but it's what keeps him happy and it's been a long while since anyone could make him uncomfortable by what he's comfortable with.

He had hoped that after coming back from the Trek, he could quickly get back home to spend some quiet time for the remainder of his holidays but here he is, in this little town a little far from the lower foothills of Mount Sugisuna.

It's a relatively thriving town, urban-esque enough to be mistaken for some lingering tail of a commercial city. He's really only here because sleep Izuku has no time sense without an alarm and his alarm bailed out on him causing him to miss the train. Now, he has no place to crash because the Hotels were either booked or pushed his wallet like he's in the top 1 per cent which he most definitely and regretfully, is not.

Distantly, he remembers his father telling him of a friend he made a little over the mid-western side of this town and decides to ring his father up for help. Toshinori Yagi, of course, is drunk because he is out with his group of associates, happily passing the number and address to him as Izuku insists that he should book a ride home soon.

Three minutes of coaxing his father and a taxi ride later, he finds himself standing in front of an establishment that makes him double-check the address he's been given.

In Izuku's honest experience, it's the shadiest place he's ever been to. There are strip clubs stacked on either side of this narrow building and the smell of something like burnt rubber which Ochako had dubbed as a description similar to crack smoke, permeates through the air. A few frequenters are sitting on the stairs nearby, drunk and gambling, when the blond is seen losing, he jokes a threat with a pocket knife.

They notice him when Izuku is debating to tuck tail and run.

"Mina-chan! There's some creep here stalking your Minnie."

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