Chapter 13

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3rd-person POV:
"Want to do this one by one? Or should we all go at it at once? Well? I don't mind either way" Chuuya asks.

"Neither" Y/n says, as they slowly walk towards the Agency members.

"Wha—" Chuuya starts but is interrupted.

"Trust me, Chuuya" Y/n says in a low voice. "You can drop the act, Tanizaki. I've seen through your little illusion" They say, turning their attention towards Tanizaki.

"Dazai-san did warn me about you; the one who sees through everything" He says before deactivating his ability, resulting in the rest of the members to disappear, confirming that it really was just an illusion.

"An ability to create illusions" Chuuya says, disregarding what Tanizaki had said.

"Kenji-kun broke through the wall and took the president. The president and the Agency members already left a long time ago" Tanizaki explains.

"You sacrificed your life to deceive the ambush and give the others time to escape" Akutagawa says as Tanizaki puts his hands up, signaling his surrender.

"I haven't given up my life. I have a message from Ranpo-san..." Tanizaki says.


Y/n POV:
After arriving back at the Port Mafia headquarters, I headed off on my own to make a phone call.

Kouyou: "Hello?"

Me: "Kouyou-san. I have something that I need to tell you. You probably already suspected this but the Agency hostage that we took is planning on escaping to kill the boss. I need you to be ready for when that happens."

Kouyou: "What makes you so sure that he will escape?"

Me: "Because I know that he wouldn't allow himself to be captured without a backup plan for if their original plan doesn't succeed."

Kouyou: "Okay. I'll be on standby in case the boy manages to escape and make it to the boss's room."

Me: "Thank you. I'll be going now."

Kouyou: "Ok. Goodbye."

~slight timeskip~

Me and Chuuya are currently guarding the back of the Port Mafia building when Chuuya gets a call informing him of the attack at the front.

"They charged through the front? Protect the boss at all costs! I'll be right there!" He says before hanging up. "Dammit. Let's go, Y/n" Chuuya says as we begin to head to the front.

"I can't let you two do that, Mr. Fancy Hat and the Masked Mystery" Ranpo says, causing me and Chuuya to turn around and stop to face him.

'The Masked Mystery? Is that what people are calling me? That's kinda cool, not gonna lie.'

"By my estimates, your involvement will lower our chances of victory. So, with that said, I'm here to stop you" Ranpo declares.

"Are you serious? I know you're integral to the Detective Agency, but I don't think you can put up a fight against us" Chuuya says.

"But you've lost to Dazai before, haven't you?" Ranpo asks Chuuya, already knowing the answer and how he will react.

"Chuuya. Don't let him get to you" I warn him but to no avail, his anger being made very clear by his expression. I jump to the side as Chuuya activates his ability in a way to show Ranpo how serious he is.

"Want to see what it's like to be crushed by gravity?" Chuuya asks.

"Nothing is impossible for a great detective" Ranpo says.

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