Chapter 31

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A/n: I'M ALIVE!!! (just barely)

Y/n POV:
"Why did you save me?" Akutagawa asks. "You knew that wasn't part of the plan."

"I know. But I couldn't just sit back and let you die, not when I had the chance to prevent it," I say.

'I can't bear the thought of you dying... Not again...'

"Thank you..." I hear Akutagawa mumble to himself.

I smile to myself and say, "You're welcome."

~slight timeskip~

We eventually made our way to a replica of the Agency office created by Poe's ability.

"It's... the Agency office! But how?" Atsushi asks.

"I can't blame you for being shocked," Kunikida says, walking into the main office area.

"Kunikida-san. But didn't the military police..." Atsushi starts.

"Look outside the window," Kunikida says.

Atsushi walks over to the window and looks outside. "Isn't this..."

"Tanizaki and Kenji are back. We have all our chess pieces," Ranpo says, causing us to turn towards him. He was sitting at his normal desk. "We had Poe-kun make a novel dimension for us so we could hold a meeting."

"A meeting?" Atsushi questions.

"You know what it's about. We're going to fight the enemy and win. This is the meeting for our final mission to save the Detective Agency," Ranpo states.

"Are you sure it's alright for us to be here? After all, we are Port Mafia members," I ask, referring to me and Akutagawa.

"You don't need to worry about that. The boss knows that I trust you so he should be fine with it," Ranpo says.

"Even though I'm also here?" Akutagawa questions. "I'm not here because I care about saving the Agency like Y/n does. I only care about getting Dazai-san's acknowledgement."

"I know you won't do anything harmful to the Agency, not as long as Y/n's here," Ranpo states.

Akutagawa doesn't say anything in response, proving Ranpo's statement to be true.


"We hereby convene the Detective Agency general meeting. First, we'll review our situation. Ranpo," Fukuzawa begins, indicating for Ranpo to speak.

"Our enemy's plan is in its final phase. They've spread the vampire contagion throughout the world. Sixteen national militaries have already fallen. The armies, having become vampires, are eerily silent. For now, at least," Ranpo explains.

"What are these 'vampires' you're talking about?" Tanizaki asks.

"The result of the immortal Count Bram's special ability. He turns those he bites into vampires over whom he has control. Those who are bitten can then further spread the contagion. In other words..." Ranpo says.

"The enemy grows at an exponential rate," I reply.

"Bram is a pillar of the Ten Tragedies that once destroyed humanity. He was defeated by hero Fukuchi Ouchi and imprisoned with a holy sword. But that, too, must have been a mere step in his plan," Fukuzawa says.

"The vampires have no trouble sneaking into organizations. The armies can't tell who's a vampire and who isn't, which is already causing them to turn on each other," Ranpo states.

"Is it the enemy's goal to cause chaos around the world?" Tanizaki asks.

"No," I say, causing everyone to look at me.

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