Chapter 11

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Happy Birthday Ranpo<3

Y/n POV:
Strikes of thunder can be heard, progressively getting closer to the factory, more specifically, closer to me. I try my best to try to find out where Wrath is, seeing as how it was hidden behind the dark clouds and has moved down to the fog. Fortunately for me, not only can I see the electricity surrounding its body, but I can also hear the static sound it's producing. I load my bow and take aim at the red gem at the top of its forehead, making sure I can reach my dagger if it decides to come in close. I took my shot but it was easily able to dodge the arrow, as I figured. It retaliates by shooting a bolt of electricity towards me, which I'm just barely able to dodge, grazing my shoulder.

The both of us are now standing face to face with one another, with me grabbing my right shoulder with my left hand with a dagger in the other hand. Suddenly, Wrath shoots a number of bolts my way, causing me to attempt to deflect them away with my dagger but I wasn't able to keep that up as one of the bolts struck me in my chest, launching me backwards and landing hard on my back. I begin to cough as I roll onto the side with my non-injured shoulder to try and catch my breath but Wrath walks up to me and grabs me by the throat, releasing electricity throughout my entire body. I'm able to hold myself back from screaming, seeing as how I've been through way worse than this, but a few painful grunts are able to make their way out.

I reached my left hand up to try and pry off Wrath's grip around my neck but it wouldn't budge; if anything, it only got tighter. 'Heh, checkmate.'

With Wrath successfully distracted, I grabbed one of my hidden knives with my right hand and stabbed the gem on its forehead, returning it back to its rightful place within me. I barely land on my feet as soon as Wrath disappears, my balance being a little wobbly. I place my arm back to my bleeding shoulder, deciding to rip off a piece of my coat to wrap it.

I walked over to Kyouka and Atsushi, noticing that they had also defeated their abilities.

"You guys okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine" Kyouka answered.

"I'm also fine. Once I have my strength back, my wound will recover on its own with my tiger healing ability" Atsushi says.

"That's good" I say, as Kyouka turns her attention to the building ahead of us.

"Mukurotoride" she says.

"That's where Dazai-san is. We have to help Dazai-san. He'll know what to do" Atsushi says.

I turn to him with a sympathetic look on my face, knowing that he doesn't know the whole truth. A pair of hands holding a cell phone enter into my peripheral view, realizing that it's Demon Snow returning the cell phone to Kyouka. Kyouka turns around and accepts the cell phone as Demon Snow places it into her hands. As soon as Kyouka's phone is returned, Demon Snow begins to fade away, returning to Kyouka.

"You guys got your abilities back, huh? My tiger's healing ability hasn't come back. I defeated the tiger... Why...?" Atsushi questions.

*Cough, cough, cough*

'Look at that, Akutagawa's back.'

"You got your ability back, too, huh? Why am I the only one who hasn't?" Atsushi asks.

"Fool!" Akutagawa shouts before asking, "Do you still not understand?"

"What..." Atsushi says softly before shouting, "What the hell?! Akutagawa! Explain! Hey!"

"You're too hurt. Rest here" Kyouka states.

"Kyouka-chan!" Atsushi exclaims.

"I'm sorry I never told you. I didn't want you to know" Kyouka says.

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