Chapter Three

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Sarah POV

It's been three weeks and Embry shifted. We told him if he feels angry to just go for a chill pill because he doesn't want to hurt his friends. Quil doesn't know anything but Jake helped him through his anger a bunch of times and sadly fucking up his relationship with Quil. I guess Quil thought that they were dating and they were keeping secrets. It caused Quil to shift two days after from pint up rage. I was on patrol so I helped him, which it was cool to help someone but Quil has yet to talk to Jake and He will only talk to Embry when he has too.

I do hope their friendship can fix itself but I'm not sure if that will happen.

I walk into the my house and see Jake there trying to talk to Quil but hes not paying attention. "Quil. Go take a walk." I tell him in my luna voice making him nod and walk out as I look at Jacob. "Give him time, I know it hurts but he will come around." he nodded sadly and went to hang out in the corner with his now girlfriend Jessica Stanley who knows the pack secrets. I knew by the look in his eyes that she will be his imprint. Shes nothing like Bella said she used to be, a gossip. Shes actually fun to hang out with, she just... hung out in the wrong crowd. Bella and her are pretty close again and I like that Bella has friends again. Angela Webber was her only friend before Angela went on vacation for a few months.

I plated everyones food and sat it down. Jessica, Jake, Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry, and Bella walked to the table and sat down while me and Ethan brought the plates. I sat down next to Ethan and looked across the table. "Alright I need to clear the tension because I'm sick of it." I say and everyone looks at me. "Quil suck it up, your grandfather told us never to tell you unless you shift. DO NOT take it out on Jake and Embry." He growled making me growl back, he bared his neck and looked down. "Jake you need to give Quil space to think, I know you miss his friendship but tone it down. Your not a wolf yet meaning that you could still die if he phased infront of you." I look towards Quil and see hes looking at Jake but I shake my head. "Lets eat and you three can talk it out OUTSIDE." I knew Quil might phase and I looked at Embry and he nodded his head. I knew he would protect both of his friends but Jake is more human right now then us.

When everyone was done eating, Bella and Jessica finishing last as they are human but Jake had more of a appetite right now. Hes showing signs of phasing already which is quite scary if I think about it. I know he doesn't want to phase, even if it's looks or sounds cool. He wants a human live but I know thats not possible when hes apart of the Black family line, even his dad phased. His dad was alpha of his the last pack. Sadly he can not phase anymore but I'm sure he will be able to get his mobility back in his legs if he does feel rage or something like that.

I see that happening.

The next day I'm outside Billy's house with the Pack and Jacob, the elders are here aswell. I hear Bella's truck and I smile before my hair stands on ends, She looked at us confused. I smell a sickly sweet scent making me growl. "Boys shift. Vampire.." they nod and shift. I shift and attack the vampire that was close to Jake making him duck. I didn't expect two vampires. The boys spring into action attacking the vampires with me, I didn't sense the other vampire behind me and he squeezes my ribs, i feel them snap making me whimper in pain. Paul takes the vampire out nudging me but stops when he sees my pain. The boys shift back quickly just as Ethan comes through the trees seeing me on the ground with my clothes on.

I don't rip my clothes when I shift.

He looks at the others and sighs. "What the fuck happened?" He asks as he tries to move me and I grit my teeth. "Call the Doc Cullen." Ethan ordered sam making him run into the house. The guys help me inside to Jakes bedroom and puts me down. "I'm sorry.. I was focused on the one that tried to attack Jake." I tell Ethan tears going down my face and he shakes his head just as we hear a growl outside and I look at him confused. "That didn't sound like any of our wolves Ethan.." he nodded seriously and ran out. I don't know what he saw but a Cullen came in and smiled at me. "Don't worry just going to help you." I nod a bit letting him work, though I didn't expect the pain that i'd be in..

863 words

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