Slam Poem

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Many don’t care to give it a thought.
And yet it affects every one of us
and the lives of every person on Earth
present and future, now and later.

It affects our water, our air, our wildlife
and this change doesn’t bode well for any of it.
The things humans do affect everything around us
whether we see it or not. Whether we accept it or not.

We think one small action won’t change the big picture,
but sometimes we’re wrong. Sometimes we’re wrong.
So the oceans rise and the forests shrink,
and many people pay no mind to it
until the result comes knocking on their door.

Cities and towns make hundreds of thousands of it everyday.
It seeps into the air and the water and the earth,
creeping into everything and infecting it all
as if it were a plague that cannot be stopped.
Infecting it all until there is nothing left we can do.
Nothing left we can do with no chance to change our ways.

The waste we make spreads far and wide,
polluting everything we can see with our eyes
and everything we can’t just as much.
Out of sight, out of mind, right?
But, does that also mean that it does not exist?

And yet, many don’t care to give it a thought,
allowing it to continue just so they can save a few bucks or
so they don’t have to get up and put their waste where it belongs.
Allowing it to continue, while the rest of us have to
face the consequences of someone else’s actions.

Many things can fit into everything I just described.
Many things have the same effect on the world.
Can you guess what it is though? Can you guess what it is?

It is possible to fix the damage that has been done
and stop this cycle of contamination though.
The only thing left to figure out is how.
How to convince so many people to
help change the future for you and for me
and for our children and for their children
instead of allowing the damage to continue on.
Continue on and on until we cannot turn back.

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