✨chapter 9✨

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Kook : hyung
Suga : get in the car you two also
Suhoo eun and kook silently sat inside the car
Flash back
Jin got the location of Kang so he, suga and some guards went to catch him. But Kang escaped before they reach there . So the members are frustrated....
on the way back to office Suga saw kook in the road side he called Jimin . Jimin checked the class and CCTV then told Suga that they bunked . So Suga went near kook ....
Jin : is it the boy tae told?
Suga : yes hyung
Jin : what he is doing here ?
Suga : (told him everything)
Jin : but he looks so innocent
Suga : hyung "don't judge a book by
it's cover".
Jin : huh
Suga : come let's go to school
Jin : okay did you inform this to tae?
Suga : not yet
Jin : he is already stressed
Suga : yeahh
Suga and Jin hopped on the car
Suga called Tae
Tae : hello hyung do you get any
information *cold
Suga : yeah Namjoon and some guards caught him
Tae : ohh
Suga : tae
Tae : yes
Suga told him everything while glaring at kook .
Tae : hyung hand him the phone
Suga handed the phone to kook
kook looked at him with doe eyes
Suga : he want to talk to you .
Kook took the phone
Kook : s-sir
Tae : suga hyung will drop you at home . You are already in trouble don't do anything which increases your punishment .
Kook : I'm so-
Tae : don't worry today I will teach you how to bunk classes *stern
Kook eyes teared up hearing that
Tae : hand the phone to hyung
Kook handed the phone to suga
Suga : hmm tae
Tae : hyung drop that kids at school and jungkook at mansion
Suga : okay
Eun : who are they kook ?
Kook : hyungs
Suhoo : don't cry kook
Kook : I'm sorry because of me you -
Suhoo : don't say like that
Eun : yeah it's okay moreover it's not our first time to get caught 😅
Suhoo 😐
Yoongi : jungkook sit in the car and you two go to the principal
Eun& Suhoo : okay
After dropping them suga drive to mansion.
Jungkook slept in the car .
Jin creased his cheeks .
Suga : he slept
Jin : yeah
Suga : Tae will definitely punish him
Jin : hmm
Suga : jungkook wake up we reached
Jungkook just turned his head other side .
Suga : Jun-
Jin : let him sleep I will carry him
Suga : okay then
Jin took him in bridal style and placed him on his bed .
Yoongi : hyung
Kook whimpered in sleep
Jin : shh what
Yoongi : aren't you coming?
Jin : yoon let's stay here till tae come
Yoongi : hm okay .
Jin and yoongi left kook's room
Kook woke up and realisation hit him
He was scared to face tae .
He then went to wash room after freshen up went to downstairs he saw Jin talking with suga
Suga : come here
Kook went near suga
Suga : This is Jin hyung
Kook : hello
Jin : hey Jungkook
Suga : aren't you hungry?
Kook nodded his head
Jin : come let's eat *ruffled look's hair
Kook pov
Jin hyung is not scary like hyung and sir .he is very sweet.
Did Eun and Suhoo get punished ? Will sir punish me hard ?
Suga : kook what are you thinking?
Kook : uhm nothing
Jin : eat your food kook
Kook : hmm . Suga Hyung
suga : hmm
Kook : when will sir come?
Suga : after sometimes
Kook : okay
Jin : come kook let's watch tv
Kook : okay
Suga left cause he has to pick jimin .
Kook sat beside jin they watched tv for sometimes and had a chitchat
Kook and jin became comfortable with eachother.
knock knock
Maid went to open the door
Jin: I think tae came
Kook became scared .
Tae came inside kook stood from the couch .
Tae : hyung namjoon hyung is waiting for you
Jin : ohh , then bye kook
Kook : bye hyung
Jin : tae come with me
Tae : hmm
While walking towards namjoon's car
Jin : tae what he did was wrong but he
is a kid don't forget that. Don't do something that you will regret later .
Tae : hmm
Jin : before punishing him you should calm yourself and after punishing you should comfort him
Tae : okay hyung .
Jin : bye *hugged him
Tae : bye guys
Joon: bye
Tae went inside the living room and saw kook standing there . Tae sat on the couch and gesture kook to stand in front of him
Tae : Naina
Naina : yes sir
Tae : bring me the cane
Naina looked at kook who is silently crying
Naina : sir he won't -
Tae : bring me the cane
Naina left to take the cane after sometimes she came back with the cane
Naina : sir
Tae : hmm leave
Tae took the cane and patted kook's leg
Tae : kneel down and put your hands on the table
Kook knelt
Tae : fist your hands and put it on the table
Kook obeyed tae
Tae : now answer me ,
didn't I told you not to create any
trouble in the school?
Kook silent
Tae give a hard smack on kook's knuckles
Kook : owww
Kook rubbed his hands while crying
Tae : put your hands there and don't you dare to move it again
Kook put his hands there
Smack smack smack smack
Kook: oww plzz hurts
Smack smack smack
Kook : sorryyy * screamed due to
pain and hide his hands in
back .
Tae : jungkook don't test my patience
Forward your hands or I will increase the count
Kook : no * sob plzzz * sob it hurts
* crying hard
Tae : punishments are meant to be
hurt .
Kook fist his hands and put it on the table. Tae hold his wrist with his other hand
Smack smack smack smack smack
Kook was wiggling and crying loudly but tae just ignored him
Smack smack smack
Tae : will you do it again ?
Kook : noo *vigorously shook his
Tae left his hand
Kook was now a crying mess
Tae give kook some time to calm down .
He then took a glass of water and placed it in front of kook's mouth.
Tae : drink it
Kook drink the water slowly
Kook : enough *sniff
Tae placed the glass on the table.
Tae : kneel down here till I come back
Tae left
Kook knelt there while crying
Tae : I don't want to hear any sound so stop crying*stern
* Author's note
Do you want tae to do after care? 🤔🤔

Don't forget to ⭐

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