✨chapter 13✨

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Tae : what is ****?
Kook looked down
Kook : owe
Tae give a tight smack on kook's shoulder.
Tae : do you want me to take the
            Cane ?
Kook : n-no *doe eyes
Tae : Jungkook is something
              bothering you?
Kook : n-no
Tae : are you sure ? 🤨
Kook : ye-yes
Tae : kneel there and learn it again
Kook nodded his head and knelt infront of Tae and started to study .
Tae took kook's bag and checked his dairy & notes .
Tae    : how was your day ?
Kook : g-good
Tae : hmm
Kook : I'm done
Tae asked him some questions and kook answered him correctly.
Tae :  Come let's eat dinner
After dinner kook went to his room
Knock knock
Kook opened the door tae came inside .
Tae : did you pack your bag ?
Kook : yes
Tae : go and sleep it's your bed time.
Kook : okay *mumble
Tae : good night
Kook : good night
Next morning
Naina: kook wake up it's 8:00 you will
               be late for school
Kook :5 more mins
Naina: wake up kook
Kook : okay
Naina left to downstairs
Tae : where is jungkook
Naina : getting ready
Tae : hmm
Time skip kook didn't came downstairs
Tae went  to kook's room and knocked hearing no response tae opened the door
Tae saw kook sleeping.
Tae : Jungkook *shout
Kook flinched and wake up
Kook : huh
Tae : what is the time ?
Kook looked at the clock and it's 8:30 his class starts  at 9:00
Kook's eyes became teary  when he saw Tae's glare
Tae : within 10 mins you should be in downstairs
Kook being scared nodded his head and ran to washroom .
After breakfast
Tae :    When did you sleep last night?
Kook just looked down mumbling sorry .
Tae fisted his hands out of anger
Tae : Go you are already late
Kook nodded his head
Tae : don't worry I will deal you in the evening
Kook : bye sir
Tae : hmm *cold
Kook was walking to his class soon Kevin and gang came to him but luckily Jimin also came there .
Kevin : let's deal him in break

Kook and jimin entered inside the class .
Suhoo : kook come lets go to canteen
Kook : no I'm not coming
Eun : wae ?
Kook : I-I'm not feeling well
Suhoo : what happened ?
Kook : nothing it's just-
Before he could complete his sentence Eun dragged him out along with Suhoo .
Kook : ahh leave me
Eun : I'm hungry come lets eat
Kook : hmm
Kook was  eating his food  peacefully untill his eyes met with Kevin and his gang. 
Kevin mouthed kook to meet him after lunch . Kook nodded being scared .
After lunch
Kook : hmm you guys go to the class
Eun : where are you going?
Kook : huh to meet Jimin sir
Suhoo : why ?
Kook : I want to tell him something
Eun : hmm then suhoo cone let's go
Suhoo : yeah
Kook was walking through the corridor suddenly Kevin dragged him towards  the washroom and his friend locked the door .
Kevin  smacked kook's head
Kook : ahh leave me
Kevin : give us money then you can
Kook : I don't have money
Leo : he must be lying check him
Kevin checked kook and got nothing
Kevin : you bastard where is money ?
Kook : I told you na I don't have
Leo : yesterday we clearly told you to
           bring money .
Kook : I can't bring you money *shout
Kevin : let's teach him a good lesson
They all started to beat kook, his stomach was red due to the punch
After sometimes they left kook not before warning him to bring money .
Kook was silent and whimpering due to pain in class suhoo and Eun asked him is he okay or not but kook told them he is fine . 
Kook is in his room . His stomach is aching but he is scared to tell it to anyone.
Soon Tae came back .
Tae : where is Jungkook
Naina : in his room
Tae : tell him to come down, I will be
           back after a shower
Naina : okay sir
Tae left to his room .
Knock knock
Kook opened the door
Naina: kook sir is calling you .
Kook : okay I will come
Naina left , after sometimes kook also went to downstairs.
Kook was sitting in the couch waiting for tae soon tae came there with a cold face .
Author's note
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