chapter 29

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Tae took out his phone and called Jin cause he is a doctor .

( After some rings Jin took the phone)

Tae : hello Jin hyung

Jin :  tae what happened?

Tae : I'm sorry to disturb you at this time

Jin : it's okay now tell me what happened?

Tae : actually kook is having high fever

Jin :  ohh I will com–

Tae : no no just tell me what to do if his condition is getting worse then I will inform you

Jin : are you sure ?

Tae : yes

Jin : make him eat something like veg soup after that give him *** tablet   then he should sleep well  . This will lower his fever

Tae : okay thanks hyung

Jin : how did he get fever

Tae : I – I don't know ( low voice)

Jin : hmm okay I will come there in morning

Tae : okay good night

Jin : good night take care of him

Tae : hmm
( hung up the call  )

Tae's eyes fell on kook's thighs which has red mark he slowly caressed it and kook hissed . Tae felt guilty for punishing him this hard

Tae : did you apply any ointment on it ?

Kook shook his head

Tae : why ?

Kook : I - I'm so-rry ( crying )

Tae : it's okay don't cry

Tae slowly laid kook on bed and went near the drawer and took an ointment from  the medicine box  and sat beside kook.

Tae : kook can you turn around

Kook : Wh-why

Tae : I want to apply this

Kook : n-o its o-kay I - will - apply - later

Tae : stop shuttering and turn around

Kook being scared of tae turned around back facing tae . Tae pulled kook's pants and boxer's till his knees and took a small amount of ointment and applied it over kook's bum who hissed in pain then he applied on thighs and his hands .

Tae : don't pull up your pants I'm going downstairs and I will be back soon .

(Kook nodded his head feeling embarassed)

Tae went downstairs maids are not there because there duty time is over . So he started to cook .

After 20 mins he went back to kook's room with a soup bowl

Tae : you can pull up your shorts

Kook : o- okay

Tae : now sit straight and drink this

Kook : n-o I don't wa-nt it

Tae : I know you don't want it and you are not hungry but you should take eat a few before eating the tablet.

Kook shook his head . Tae sighed and took the bowl in his hands

Tae : open your mouth

Kook : n-o ( crying )

Tae : stop your tantrums and eat it ( stern )

Kook started to sob

Tae : stop sobbing take breathe
( rubbed his back to comfort him )
Hmm say ahh

Kook opened his mouth being scared

Kook : en- enough

Tae : hmm  ( took a tablet from medicine box ) now eat this and sleep

Kook nodded his head and ate the tablet then laid on the bed .

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