✨chapter 22✨

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After talking to Tae,  kook was about to go to yoonmin's bed room but before that he got a  call from Eun

Kook : yeah Eun

Eun : are you coming ?

Kook : I don't know

Eun : did you get permission

Kook : no

Eun : what did he said ?

Kook : I tried a lot but he said no

Eun : hmm do want to come with us ?

Kook : ofcourse I want to come with you guys

Eun : then sneak out

Kook : let me think about it

Eun : there is nothing to think , just sneak out

Kook : hmm yoongi hyung and jimin hyung will go to hospital for meeting Jimin hyung's uncle

Eun : at what time ?

Kook : 12:30

Eun : then after they leave, sneak out

Kook : hmm but I'm scared

Eun : don't  worry nothing will happen ...

Kook : okay then bye

Eun : bye

Jimin : did you call tae ?

Kook : yes

Jimin : when did he reached?

Kook : at night  , hyung how will you go ?

Jimin : I will go to yoon's office and we will go together from there

Kook : oh

Jimin : kook take care, eat your food  , we will be back in evening

Kook : okay hyung

Jimin : byee 

Kook : bye

Kook took his phone and called Eun


Kook :  Eun they left where are you both ?

Eun : ahh kook we will be there within 5 mins

Kook : okay

Eun : kook come we are here

Kook : okay

Kook : car??

Suhoo : yeah it's my mom's, my parents went to my grandparents house they will be back at night so I took it

Kook : but you are  underage for driving

Suhoo :yeah but  I'm 17 not a kid  and I know driving

Kook : but–

Suhoo :  get inside kook

(Kook sat on the back )

Eun : kook when will your hyung's head back ?

Kook : maybe 4:30

Suhoo : hmm

Eun : aren't you scared?

Kook : yeah I'm scared but only a little cause sir is not here and hyungs will not punish me like sir so–

Eun : what if your hyung punish you ?

Kook : no they won't, will they ?? ( doe eyes  and scared face )

Suhoo : we reached ,  both of you wait here I will be back after parking the car

Kook& Eun : okay

Suhoo : come lets go

Eun : In which floor is the theater?

Kook : theatre?

Suhoo : we are going for a movie

Kook : ohh

(Suhoo held kook's hand , Eun give him a bombastic side eye )

Suhoo : our seats are in 8th row

Eun : yeah got it

Suhoo : kook sit there

Kook : okay

Eun was about to sit beside kook but suhoo looked at him with puppy eyes
Eun mouthed a no and smirked , suhoo silently looked down and was about to sit beside Eun .

Eun : suhoo sit here I want to sit there
  ( smile )

Suhoo : okay (excited)

Suhoo sat beside kook and smiled at Eun who smacked his head slightly


Eun : I will go and buy popcorn's .

Kook : I'm also coming I want to use the washroom

Suhoo : then come lets go

Eun went to buy popcorn , kook and suhoo went to washroom.

Suhoo : come lets go

Kook : hmm ( took his phone and saw 2 missed calls from jimin )

Suhoo : what happened?

Kook : hyung called me

Suhoo : did they reached home ?

Kook : huh what should I do ?

Suhoo : call him

Kook : but –

Suhoo : nothing will happen call him

Kook called Jimin

Kook : hy_hyung

Jimin : kook where were you?

   I told you I won't write till my exams ends  but today I got some free time and I was really stressed so I thought to write it .....

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