chapter 21

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Jimin : kook wake up

Kook : hmm
Kook opened his eyes and sat on the bed...

Jimin : good morning

Kook : morning , did I slept here last night

Jimin : yes

Kook : I'm sorry

Jimin :  don't say sorry we don't have any problem with it ...

Kook smiled

Jimin : now go fresh up

Kook : okay


Kook came downstairs

Jimin :   drink this

Kook : milk, noo I'm 16

Jimin : so what ?

Kook : I'm a big boy I don't want this

Jimin : do you want me to call yoon

Kook : no

Jimin : then drink it

Kook : okay

Jimin : good

Kook : where is yoon hyung ?

Jimin : at gym

Kook : ohh

Kook got a message from Eun

Eun : kook today we are going to mall come with us

Kook : nahh I'm at yoon hyung's house

Eun : ask him and come

Kook  : he won't allow me

Eun : it will be fun come naaa please

Kook : okay I will ask him

While eating breakfast

Kook : hyungs

Yoonmin : yes

Kook : hmm can I go out

Yoongi : no

Kook : hyung please I will be back soon

Jimin : with whom are you going?

Kook : suhoo and Eun

Yoongi : where are you going?

Kook : to mall  , can I go please

Yoongi : no you can't

Kook : but –

Jimin eyed  kook not to talk 

Jimin : hmm yoon can we go to hospital today

Yoongi :  I have a meeting so after that we can go

Jimin : are you coming with us kook ?

Kook : where ?

Jimin : my uncle is hospitalized so we are going to meet him 

Kook : oh

Jimin : come with us

Kook : nahh I don't like hospital

Jimin :  but will you stay here alone?

Kook : then can I go with my friends

Yoongi : no

Kook : then I will stay here ...

Jimin : alone ?

Kook : I'm not alone here we have lots of maids and guards right

Jimin : but–

Kook : I can manage hyungieee

Jimin Chuckled
Jimin : okay then , hyung When will we go?

Yoongi : at 12:30

Jimin : hmm okay

Kook was  playing games suddenly he got a call . He smiled when he saw the name

Tae : hello kook

Kook :  why don't you pick the call when I called you yesterday

Tae : my phone was silent and I slept earlier due to tiredness

Kook : hmm

Tae : did you eat your breakfast?

Kook : yes what about you ?

Tae : yeah i ate  , what are you doing?

Kook : no-nothing

Tae : ohh , did you study ?

Kook : hmm no I will study later

Tae : don't waste your time on phone ,  study ( stern )

Kook : okay  sir

Tae : how are you ? Now did you like to stay there ?

Kook : yes , yesterday night I enjoyed a lot with them .

Tae : yesterday night you slept with yoongi hyung and jimin 

Kook : yeah we watched movie together and I fell asleep BTW who told you that ?

Tae : Jimin send me a pic 

Kook : huh

Tae : okay then I will call you later take care don't trouble them

Kook : okay bye ...

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