9 - Tiny Metal Circles

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"Tobinomu-chan!!" you gasp into the phone. "I did it!!!!"

"Hunh...? What...?" her voice mumbles from the other side of the device. "It's midnight... What did you do, get elected President of the United States...?"

"I got a job!!!!"

"Really? That's great... Wait, what?!" she seems to snap awake. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!!! Where this time?"

"There's a small business-owned restaurant nearby, you should come sometime!"

"Are you hosting again?"

"No, I'm a waitress!!"

"...  I feel so sorry for you."

"Shut up, haha!"

"Wow, what a loser, working as a waitress at a restaurant? How sad."

"Hey, what pays the bills pays the bills."

"You don't have any bills to pay yet..."

"Shhhh! Hehe!"





"... My feet hurt..."

You stare blankly into space after your first day of training at your new job.

"Haha, you get used to it," your trainer, Abe, laughs emptily. He lights a cigarette and brings it up to his lips. "So, you never worked as a waitress before?"

You shake your head, "I've worked as a hostess and then declared I'd never work for a restaurant again. Clearly, I lied, heh... What about you? How long have you been working here?"

He thinks for a minute, "Well, when I started, I was still in high school... So maybe a little over a year?"

"Wait, so you're only what, 18? 19? Isn't it illegal to smoke?" you glance at the cigarette.

"Do I look like I care about the law?" he chuckles, taking another hit as his golden eyes gaze into the distance. "My sister buys 'em for me. Never been caught before."

"... Good for you."

"Yeah, thanks."

He's a man with deep purple hair which he ties in a rat tail during work. His skin is on the paler side, and his face is almost pretty in an elfish manner. When he walks around the restaurant in front of patrons, he stands at 172 cm, but alone, he tends to slouch. His build is average, perhaps the equivalent of someone who works out moderately at the gym.

"Abe-san," you suddenly ask. "What's it like being out of school?"

He leans back against the bench he sat on and seems to think for a moment before replying, "Well... I'm still living with my parents because I can't afford an apartment yet, but I'm getting closer. I've been looking for other jobs since this just isn't cutting it anymore, and I've actually got an interview lined up for a big company. So... It's okay, just... I haven't gotten very far yet."

You nod quietly, "Well, that's good. I hope you get the job."

"Thanks," he says as he puffs out a breath of smoke. "Ah, my sister's here to pick me up. I'll see you again...?"

"I work tomorrow night," you finish for him. "You on?"

"I'm always on..." he chuckles dryly. "See you then. Good luck at school."

"Yeah, thanks."

You watch as he drives away and you take your phone out of your bag. You decide to send a message to the two U.A. boys and Tobinomu. You snap a quick cute selfie of yourself in your work attire against the red sunset and send them each individual messages.

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