10 - Biting Your Tongue

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You enter the door to the restaurant.

It's been a little bit since the incident with Bakugo, but after lots of bugging from Kirishima via Midoriya, you finally caved and decided to meet with the blonde.

"You're late," he grumbles.

You force a smile, "Actually, I'm a minute early. Were you just soooo excited to see me?"

"No," he glares. "Just get on with it."

You turn to the person at the front desk, "Two."

The girl's eyes widen, saying your name, "It's you! What are you doing here?"

"Ahaha, well, I had to meet with this guy to discuss some stuff, so I figured I'd come here," you explain. "Nice to see you!"

Her eyes flicker between you and him, raising an eyebrow. You shake your head.

"I'll take you to your table, please follow me!" she takes two menus and two sets of silverware and leads you into the restaurant. She sets the items down onto the table and you sit down with Bakugo. "Your server is a little busy at the moment, so I'll get you started. Are you planning on getting anything to drink to start out?"

You hum, "Hmm, maybe. I think just water for now. Maybe a Virgin Angel Shot a little later if I get into the mood." You wink and make eye contact with the girl.

Her eyes widen and she nods, offering a sweet smile in return, "Understood. And you, sir?"

Bakugo grumbles, "... Water."

"I'll be right back with that."

He turns to you, "So what the Hell is this place?"

"I work here," you say. "So the staff know me."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"Oh, Heavens no!" you shake your head. "Why would you say that?"

He rolls his eyes, "Do you think I'm stupid? I know what an Angel Shot is, dammit."

You blink, "... Oh. Well. In that case... I didn't expect you to be aware of such a thing."

"My hag told me about it once when she told me to never make a girl ask for one. Look, I do a lot of shitty things," he narrows his eyes, "but I'm not gonna assault a stranger for no reason. I'm not my damn temper."

You felt a sting in your chest, "R-Right... I... A-... Apologize for making such a rude assumption."

You clear your throat, "That aside. Let's just... Move on."

"Uh huh..." his eyes drop to the table.

"I have your drinks!" the hostess returned and sets your waters down on the table. "Alright, your waiter will be with you in just a moment."

"Thank you," you smile at her. Your face drops when you turn back to Bakugo. "So, you wanted to talk about your... condition."

He nods, "Yeah. I wanna know how to reverse it."

"About that, it's irreversable as far as I'm aware," you glance down to your left. You stir the straw in your drink. "I'm not saying it's impossible..." That was mostly true. By technicality, it's possible to reverse it. The method, however, was unknown to everyone, including you.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" he asks.

"I don't know."

He grips his drink tighter, "You're just gonna leave it at that?!"

You wince and take a sip of water, hesitating before responding, "... That's not what I'm saying... I'm saying that... I'm... Willing to work with you. To find the cure. But from what I know, so far, nobody has ever been... Rehabilitated."

Siren (BNHA Reader/OC Insert | TodoDekuBaku x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now