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In some twisted, fucked-up way, I know Gav's right. About me needing to relax, anyway.

He stayed at his desk long after the video call ended. You remained on his screen, staying quiet but ready to take whatever commands he had for you.

After a long few minutes, the hand rubbing the space between his eyes finally dropped, Elijah's azure gaze meeting yours. Though you had no physical form, your image flickered a couple of times as an electrical current coursed through the screen faster than was typical. "... Vi, why does that happen?"

[I beg your pardon?] Your virtual head tilted a couple degrees.

... wow. That's... kinda cute.

"Your screen flashes randomly. If you're having issues or you just need an update or patch, you have to let me know." Why you didn't answer immediately, Eli couldn't figure out. "This is a bigger issue than you're letting on, isn't it?"

[It is not an issue that needs to be addressed, Elijah. I do not consider this an issue in the first place.] Yet your screen flickered again, your virtual expression showing a heavy dose of hesitation.

"Vi." Getting onto his feet, your creator meandered towards the screen, mouth thin and pulled to the side. "Please don't tell me that. If you're malfunctioning, I need to look at you. I can't have my favorite creation not feeling her best," he added with a sweet, gentle smile.

There was that flashing again, lasting longer than a mere second. [Elijah, this seems to have no predictable pattern. My software merely experiences some instability from time to time. I am sorry for making you worry, but I do not feel any alterations.]

"I'm gonna worry whether you like it or not. And don't apologize for stuff like that; you are the least troublesome person I know, okay?"

[... Person?]

More of that flickering. Eli's eyebrows lowered, hidden behind the frames. "Vi, when did this instability first happen?"

[When we arrived here in Detroit. You were speaking with Gavin while watching CyberLife being built, and he admitted to feeling jealous. I requested to be transferred to his phone, and he let out some of his internal struggles. I informed him that I cared, and he asked if I was capable of feeling.]

Nodding, the male had started to pace, listening intently while his mind was going in a thousand different directions. "And are you? Are you capable of feeling? Do you see me struggling and find yourself filled with unusual commands to assist? Do you listen to me bickering with Gavin and create solutions for these squabbles?"

[... Elijah, I am your assistant. These are algorithms you have programmed into me from the very beginning.]

"... right," he replied in a vague manner.

This is progressing towards something I never planned for. But if this "instability" thing only happens when her desires override her code...

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

By the time Eli returned to the lab, he seemed in much better spirits than earlier. "Feeling better?" came a nearby voice, one of his researchers grinning at him.

"I am, actually. Vi mentioned you were almost finished with a prototype design." Crossing his arms, your creator stood beside the other male. "Any chance you could show me?"

"I-I mean, yeah, sure, it's about 97% completed." With a bit of furious typing the dark-haired researcher brought up what looked like a similar visual as you were, only male. "Now, I know what you said about creating androids that look like us specifically, but I had to use myself as the base in the very least."

The more Bryan typed, the more the visual changed. But Eli held a hand out, removing his glasses to get a closer look. "Hang on, revert back a few stages. ... more... there. Now put that style you showed me last week to replace this one." He nodded slowly, straightening back up again. "...... I like this one. A lot, actually. He looks kind. Amicable."

Slightly ashamed, the other male still tried to grin. "Thank you, but... I mean, I feel like he still looks too much like me."

"So?" Waving a hand towards the screen, your creator added, "Copy those files onto an external for me, please. I think I have a couple of additions for him."

"O-okay, sure. What... kind of additions?"

Elijah poked the side of his own head a few times. "That's a secret, Dechart."

That's him. That is absolutely him. With that appearance and the voice module I used before Vi... that's 100% Connor.

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

[Elijah, it's nearing midnight.]

"Okay, thanks, Vi," he replied dismissively. Everyone else had gone home hours ago, but there he was, messing around with the strange chemical yet again. He'd gone through dozens upon dozens of different compositions with the stuff with wildly differing results.

Not ready to accept his dismissive behavior, you frowned. [Elijah. You need to rest, you have been working nonstop all evening. Since this early afternoon, as a matter of fact.]

Pulling his gaze away from the microscope, the human's frown was deeper than your own. "I'm going to work until I'm ready to go home."

[And the work will remain when you return tomorrow. Please go home and rest.]

"Don't treat me like a kid, Vi. I'm not fourteen years old anymore."

There was an unusual glimpse of frustration on your virtual features. [Your brother is not here to physically pick you up and drag you home, so I will use what I have access to until you comply.]

Eyebrow lifting, Eli replied, "You're going to get me to comply? You're a machine."

[I am your assistant. Machine or not, tangible form or virtual, that does not lessen my concern for your wellbeing.]

"I'm fine," he spat. "Let me work, goddamnit. Without being interrupted." Returning his gaze to the microscope, your creator mumbled under his breath. "I made you to assist me, not mother me."

[Elijah Kamski. You believe I am mothering you because you are acting juvenile. If you do not rest, your irritability will affect your work, and the end results are never--]

"Oh my god will you SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" The human finally pulled from the lab table altogether, getting to his feet and glaring daggers at your visual on his monitor. "I told you I'm not a child, I know what my body can handle, so take your fucking "concern" and shove it up your virtual ass!! I didn't make you to piss me off but that's all you're fucking doing! I swear to God if you tell me one more time to go home I will fucking wipe your hard drive completely!!! YOU'RE A FUCKING MACHINE. YOU CAN'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING."

Shell-shocked into silence, your eyes slowly lowered, the visual flashing a couple of times before disappearing completely.

Five full seconds went by as Elijah stared at the blank screen, his heart rate speeding up as those seconds ticked by. "... Vi?" No response. "Vi. I... shit, I'm sorry, I overreacted. Please... please come back." Still nothing; his stomach churned, hands wringing before finally going to his computer to try and.... well, he didn't know. "Vi, please, I'm so sorry, I... shit, I'm an asshole, I'm sorry! Please come back, come on! VI!!"

Fuck. Fuck. Why did I say that?!

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