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Are people staring or am I actually going crazy finally?

The two of you were seated in an outdoor patio; the restaurant was proud of its view of Detroit, so Eli wanted to make the most of the good weather and requested the outdoor seating. It wasn't far from the street, so he was clearly out in the open, but those walking by often ended up staring blatantly.

At him.

"Elijah, is something bothering you?" That gorgeous, soothing voice brought the male out of his reverie, earning you a genuine smile in return. When his hands were offered on the table, they were gladly taken, soaking in his natural warmth.

"I'm all right, Vi. Don't worry about me, okay? This is about you. Although... I'm sorry that I'm the dumb human who has to eat while you just sit there."

"Your IQ is 171; I do not believe dumb qualifies in this scenario." Your tone was light, a gentle laugh just on the edge of your words. "The next time we are seated at a restaurant, I will inform the server that I am fasting for religious purposes. Perhaps bringing a water bottle will help to convince them so they do not try to offer me something out of courtesy."


Damn. That's a smart idea.

"... Vi, why are people staring at me?"

Your eyebrows went high in disbelief. "Elijah Kamski, you are the man responsible for creating the first android to publicly pass the Turing Test, your company is on the verge of an enormous reveal of androids available for purchase, and despite these achievements you are friendly and approachable enough to those around you." Squeezing his hands, your violet eyes lowered a little. "Your new appearance has... also somehow matured you a good deal."

Well, if that didn't make him fucking blush, nothing would. "... all I did was get a haircut and trim this beard."

There was visible hesitation. "... the full beard disguised your strong jawline, and the undercut is clean and sharp; you look very put-together, moreso than ever." The heat rising in your face was purple, quickly becoming familiar. "...... you are... incredibly handsome, Elijah. And based on your family genetics, this will only be strengthened the older you get. You and your brother have strong genes, and the men age gracefully."

... Handsome. I don't... I mean, Gavin, maybe. But... me?

Sharp azure eyes darted around as he turned your explanation over internally; as he caught the eye of another random stranger, her gaze was locked onto him for as long as she was able. Only then did he meet your--

Wait a second.

"... you're attracted to me, too."

"Yes," came your immediate answer. Blush or not, even if you were embarrassed as all hell, you went on for his sake. "I am still uncertain as to how I am attracted to you, but I will not deny its presence. If you do not believe me, when we are finished here, I request that we visit another shop in particular."

Eli nodded, pulling his hands away only as his food was delivered. With a kind thank-you to the server, he turned back to his beloved android while he ate politely. "All right, I'll bite: what shop?"

This time you smiled. "The reveal of the new models will require your presence, and the probability of you making some sort of speech is nearing 100%. You will need a suit, Elijah, and this is as good a time as any to show how different you appear now. Compare yourself to the gala if you must, I know there were photos taken. But this new side of you is not only appealing, it is professional."

Setting the fork down and politely wiping his mouth before folding his hands on the table, you were given a pointed look by your creator. "Keep it up, Vi; you're gonna give me a praise kink."

Your blank stare said everything. "Kink?"

...... whoops. So much for the IQ.

[ 01010110 01001001 ]

"I don't think this is necessary." Elijah paused outside of the shop, gazing skeptically at the exterior. "Vi, I did just get those suits for Gavin and myself. Those weren't exactly chump change. I don't think I need another so soon."

"I did not state that the suit needed to be purchased," you responded, hands behind your back. "I request that you simply try it on and see what we do."

Closing his intense eyes, the human sighed heavily. "Gavin's gonna have a field day with this one," came his mumble before biting the bullet and walking in.

You sat primly as Eli was fitted again, casting glances in your direction and only seeing your smile every time. While you waited, you chose chaos and messaged his brother. [I believe I may have misplaced Elijah and found a real adult posing as him.]

[I don't even know how to interpret that, Vi.]

You could picture his puzzled expression, making you smile wider. [He's gotten a haircut and managed the facial hair, Gavin. He has rediscovered his jawline.]

[... Honestly, this sounds like some girl-crush bullshit, but I love you two too much to ignore it. Pics or it didn't happen.]

[As soon as he emerges from the fitting room, I will, as you say, spam the shit out of your phone.]

[I've taught you well. In all seriousness, how are you? I know about what happened earlier.]

That wasn't surprising. [Better. Miss Chloé was simply feeling left behind and admitted to being tired of the favoritism. So we are making Elijah stick to his words to treat us the same.] Even if he was kind of doing the exact opposite.

[Good. I'll kick his ass if you need.]

[Gavin, what is a praise kink?] It took a solid minute before any sort of response came in.

[Don't you EVER ask me anything remotely sexual again. Now I've got the heebie-jeebies.]

[I have no way of knowing when I do not possess the correct genitalia. I have none.]


Fourteen seconds passed before your creator emerged, but he was too agitated to view his reflection and see the fitted waistcoat on him. "Vi, why is Gavin spamming my phone chewing me out for being filthy towards you?"

Your smile didn't last as you stared openly, answering his demand just barely. "I asked what a praise kink was..."

Facepalming hard, Eli sighed heavily. "Great." Needing to physically do something instead of just staring, you got to your feet and pushed him towards the mirrors, situated around a platform for him to stand on. "--Vi, what the f--......"

...... Oh.

Lost in his silent self-admiration, you took a few photos, promptly sending them to Gavin as promised. "Do you see now, Elijah? Do you understand my words when I say how you have matured?"

While his younger brother was busy blowing up his phone with cursing praise, Eli's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. "... Vi, I barely recognize myself, and yet I still look like me."

"You look like the CEO of a massive technology corporation. Someone to be taken seriously. Someone who has... g-grown up well," came your mumbled last comment.

Those piercing blue eyes watched you, seeing his precious android grow flustered over his aging. "Someone you could see by your side, Vi...?"

"In what manner...?" came the meek reply.

"Any manner you desire."

Tangible (Yandere Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now