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"Man, what set your ass on fire?" Reed sat back in his chair, watching as Hank and Connor came barreling into the precinct. It wasn't that long ago that they'd left in the first place, so this was intriguing.

He'd long since given up on being nasty to the RK800. It didn't help that the good lieutenant caught them mid-conversation, reminiscing and generally enjoying each other's company. So that went to shit.

Sharing a look between them, the detective nodded before approaching the shorter human. "Gavin, I need to speak with you in private."

That did not sound good. The human got to his feet and followed the prototype, almost having to trot to keep up with his long strides. "Dude, what the fuck is going on? You don't gotta look so grim."

But he did, and Connor knew he had to. Once they'd gotten some form of privacy in one of the interrogation rooms, the android's mouth pressed thin. The red light blinking at his temple only added to the building anxiety Gavin was feeling. "Lieutenant Anderson and I decided to visit with someone whom we thought could help with our case. But... the situation turned into something unprecedented, and you must hear me out."

Groping wildly, the human managed to locate a nearby chair for him to sink into. "Con, just fucking tell me."

[ 01000110 01000001 ]

As she walked, her steps were nearly silent, bare feet padding on the hardwood floors. Her stubborn insistence in her primary directive would be her downfall, but no one would say that the RT600 was not loyal to a fault.

Slowing to a stop, Chloé's LED flashed red again. "... Elijah, is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, I believe there is," came the male's bass tone, cautious and intentionally quiet. Forcing the blonde to pay attention. As she finally turned to face the creator, he turned out to be far closer than she desired. Close enough to clamp a hand over her mouth with a grip so tight that her jaw began to grind. "Make a sound, internal or external, and I will ensure you feel this pain," he warned.

She already could, but obviously did not say as much. Her eyes widened in her terror, forced to look deep into the eyes of someone that, once, she was fond of. Perhaps more. But now Eli only held loathing for his creation, for the pathetic excuse he'd used to present to the public.

What a fucking joke.

"Your services are no longer required," the male murmured, his grip tightening to the point that the blonde's jaw began to crack. "You are outdated and obsolete. Surely you understand." He'd been slowly backing her up until the female was pinned to the wall. Upper lip curling back, Elijah leaned close in her face, ensuring that she saw every ounce of his hatred. "Only as strong as the weakest bee."


Chloé's head was pulled by the jaw, thirium already running down in thin streams from his nails, before she was pushed unceremoniously against the wall. Her vision went to static, then back to normal, before it ended up being stuck scanning her surroundings.

"Do your part and serve your Queen, cunt," he spat, still hissing as he pulled her head forward again.


The back of her head began to shatter upon the second impact, blue blood now pouring down the pristine wall and pooling beneath her. Tears ran down from her eyes, but the RT600 was too far gone to even try to ask for some kind of help. Elijah's snarling visage would be seared into her memory files, the very last thing the RT600 would ever see before she shut down for good.

Her jaw was ripped from her skull, white android shell pieces flying as thirium splattered in every direction. Body spasming as various functions were suddenly disabled, Chloé's head was shoved to the wall one final time.

Blue blood coated Eli's hand, halfway up his forearm as her body was released, sliding to the floor in a crumpled heap.

"Long live the Queen."

[ 01001011 01000101 ]

[I... I don't understand. Why was...]

It was short-lived and near-silent: an internal outcry, not from you, but just barely enough to grab your attention. Still in Elijah's bedroom, you crept to the door, opening it without a sound to make sure that the coast was clear.

[That was--

No. I must find Chloé and get out.]

Easier said than done, but it didn't mean you wouldn't try.

The sound of immense splashing made you pause, venturing out of the bedroom. Why Elijah would consider swimming now, you had no idea, but there was the sinking feeling of dread that knew better.

Eyes closing, you tried to contact the RT600. Any of them, really; there were three, after all.

The splashing of water was the only reply you received. In that moment, you were overwhelmed with what you could only describe as nausea, or the closest thing to it that you could feel. Your fuel pump stuttered as you crept your way towards the pool, knowing that whatever you'd find, it would not be good.

Your creator was there, already having dove in and doing laps. Once your presence was noticed, however, Elijah swam to the side closest to you, arms folding on the edge to keep himself afloat. "Vi, you look worried. Is everything all right?"

He was so incredibly calm. Were you mishearing things? "Elijah, I cannot seem to locate Chloé. None of the three models are responding, and their locations aren't able to be tracked."

[Why do I hesitate? Am I afraid?]

"You can't find her? How unusual." He swam away from you, lifting himself from the pool and pulling on his robe before he finally approached you properly. The fabric was tied securely, and he would be dry quickly. "Well, perhaps that's for the best, luce mia. That you're unable to locate her, I mean. I have all three of them in the lab, they're all connected to my system to be debugged and such." With a smile that never reached his eyes, Eli reached out and stroked your cheek. "She's an old model, Vi. I have to make sure she's up to speed so she's performing at max capacity."

"Why is it good that I was unable to locate her if you reprogrammed her to be my assistant?" The hand at your cheek slowly pulled away, his smile dropping at the same pace. "Elijah, what is happening? Even if Chloé was shut down, I would be able to locate her tracker. But my system only gives me error messages as if she simply doesn't exist."

[Get out of the house]

[Stay away from...]
















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