Chapter 2. Class D

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After saying goodbye to Hotaro, I went to class 1-D.

On the way, I had a thought.

"Okay, we need to make some friends. Before, I used to rehearse my greeting before entering midle school, together with Tomoe and Hotaro."


(Entering Midle School)

- Okay, try introducing yourself Kiyo-chan.

- Nee-san, stop calling me that.

- I wannot. Okay, try introducing yourself as Kiyotaka.

With a heavy sigh, I started.

- Well... Um... my name is Oreki Kiyotaka... I, don't have much to say about myself, but I'll try to make friends with everyone. Nice to meet you!

After my greeting, Tomoe-neesan shook her head.

- That's no good Kiyotaka. It's too dull. Even the lazy Hotaro looks brighter.

- That was a bit harsh sister.

Hotaro, who was still reading the manga, was unhappy with what Tomoe said about his laziness.

- But, you don't do anything but read manga or novels.

- I'm just conserving my energy. If I don't have to do something, I won't do it. If I have to do something, I'll do it quickly.

- Yeah, yeah, I get it. You know, if I hadn't forced you to train with Kiyotaka, you'd still be a laggard.

Hotaru remained tactfully silent, realising that this argument could go on forever. Tomoe, once again, returned to rehearsing my greeting.

- Try it again. Tell me what your preferences or hobbies are. Also, try smiling.

Nodding in response, I tried again.

- My name is Oreki Kiyotaka...I know how to play the piano, I used to be homeschooled, and I didn't have any friends, so I'll try to make friends with everyone. Nice to meet you!

I tried to smile at the end.

Tomoe and Hotaru, looked at me with a surprised look. Then Tomoe said

- Well, it'll do for the first time.

And so I tried to smile until now.

(Flashback off)

Stopping in front of the classroom doors, I took a deep breath.

In my case, this training was a necessity because the environment in high school is quite different from what I had to deal with in middle school with Hotaru.

I stepped into the ferocious battlefield in my proud solitude....

Looking around the classroom, I leisurely made my way to the seat that had my name tag attached to it. It was located at the farthest wall, next to the window. It wasn't a bad place.

The classroom was only half full. The students were either humbly reviewing school materials or chatting incessantly, trying to get to know each other and make friends.

A few minutes later, the bell rang. Almost at the same moment, a woman in a strict business suit entered the classroom. At first glance she seemed to be a teacher who advocated discipline and strictness. She looked about thirty years old. Her long black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail.

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