Chapter 3.5. Annoying seatmate

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《》 - thoughts


Pov: Horikita.

I was on my way to Advanced Nurturing High School, or ANHS for short. On the way, I decided to read "Crime and Punishment" by F. Dostoevsky.

The plot of this detective novel is narrated on behalf of the student Raskolnikov, and it is connected with his actions: the murder of the old granny, who "robbed the tenants of their money", as well as the torment of Raskolnikov's conscience, devouring him from the inside.

This detective novel, gives readers food for thought. The psychoanalysis of the characters, shows their real intentions, motives and ambitions.

But the real point of this book, in my opinion, is the inevitability of punishment for the evil deed.

Even if it was done for good, it will not justify the perpetrator's deed. However meaningful it may be to him.


As we drove to ANHS, my attention was drawn to an altercation between: an office worker, an old lady, and a blond guy who appeared to be a narcissist.

Their views contradicted each other, but unfortunately in some cases I was in agreement with this narcissist's views.

Then another person joined them. A girl with beige hair and wearing the same uniform as me.

She asked the narcissist-kun, let's call him that, to give up his seat to the old lady as it was a priority seat.

Conclusion: it was useless.

She then asked other passengers to do the same. But I saw absolutely no point in it.

One of the passengers did give a seat to the old lady, and then we got to our destination.


Class 1-D. Now I have to study with these people. As I looked around the classroom, I noticed that some people had already formed their own groups of friends.

But, I didn't need them. Then I noticed a brown-haired student to my left. He was admiring the view from the window and...smiling.

I don't know why, but his faint smile caught my attention.

From the outside, he seemed like a normal, average student, the kind of students that abound in any other school, but......

A few minutes later, the bell rang. Almost at the same moment a woman in a strict business suit entered the classroom. At first glance she seemed to be a teacher who advocated discipline and strictness. She looked about thirty years old. Her long black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail.

- Ahem, good morning, newcomers! My name is Chabashira Sae. I teach Japanese history. I'm also the D class tutor for the next three years, so I expect to get to know each of you better in the process. Good luck! As for the entrance ceremony, it will begin in one hour in the gymnasium. I will now hand out a list of school rules and an admissions handbook.


After explaining the basic nuances of this school, Chabashira-sensei left.

- Guys, can I talk to you all for a moment? - A guy with the aura of a grown man raised his hand and spoke.

- From today onwards, you and I will have to spend three whole years together in the same class. So it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves to each other and become friends. We still have time before the ceremony starts, so how about it?

I didn't care who I went to school with, and I'm going to be in this school for those 3 years, especially since I didn't plan on making friends from the beginning.

While I was thinking about my own. I was brought out of my thoughts by a guy with red hair, who looked like a criminal and spoke in a way that matched the image.

- Are you idiots? - The red-haired student exclaimed.

《Oh, looks like I got distracted. But never mind. 》

- I'm not going to introduce myself, get away from me! - The red-haired man glared unkindly at the brown-haired man, I think his name was Hirata Yosuke.

Tension hung in the air.

- We won't force anyone, of course. But I don't think there's anything wrong with making friends with your classmates. If you feel uncomfortable with that, I apologise.

Hirata bowed his head, sincerely apologising. The girls began to stare at the bully, whispering amongst themselves:

"Is it hard to just tell me about yourself?"


"Well that's already pressure from the others. So there's no question of doing it voluntarily. That's the social pressure." - I thought.

- No, I have no desire to pretend to be anyone's friend! - the red-haired man got up and walked out.

Then I followed suit. Before I did, I looked at my desk mate, who looked like he was going to stay. Well, that's his choice.


- What an unpleasant coincidence!

Walking into the shop, I bumped into my desk mate.

- Don't be so hostile. You're here to buy something too, right? By the way, my name is Oreki Kiyotaka, what's yours?

《Suddenly introduced yourself? 》

- Is it okay if I don't introduce myself back?

- I think it's kind of awkward not knowing each other's names when we're sitting next door to each other.

I'm fine with that.

- I'm fine with it.

- Even if it's fine with you, we'll study together for another 3 years. Isn't it logical to give your name?

I looked at him with an indifferent look, and continued shopping. It seems like he's really going to be a troublesome desk mate.

- Did your friend get into a different class? Or did you get in alone?

- You're nosy. And I'm not the best conversationalist.

《What do you care if I have friends or not? 》

- I don't have to say anything else. Just say it.

I thought that the conversation didn't end there and he would continue to harass me. I sighed and looked at Oreki.

- Horikita Suzune.

I was hoping he would shut up, but....

- Let me start by telling you a brief story about myself. I'm into piano and calligraphy, but I'm interested in everything. I don't have many friends, but I think it would be good to make some. That's the kind of person I am.

- ..." I didn't answer anything and continued to look at the shampoos on the shelves. Now I'm going to ignore him.

- I thought girls were more scrupulous about choosing shampoo.

《What do you care what I buy? 》

- Isn't it up to the individual? It's mostly for people who just don't know what to spend their money on," I looked at Oreki coldly, my whole look showing:

"Could you not stare at other people's purchases?"

- Honestly, I didn't expect you to stand up in front of the class and introduce yourself. You don't seem like the centre of attention.

I really don't. His looks don't stand out, but there's something about him that makes me remember him. Maybe it's his smile, maybe it's his--

- I'm trying to keep up with the others so it's less of a problem. Why did you decide to leave? It's just a short speech. You could've bonded with the class, maybe made some friends. A lot of the guys have exchanged contacts.


- I could list a lot of reasons, but why not start with the easier option? Even if I introduce myself, it's not like they'll like me. On the contrary, it's more likely to be embarrassing. If you don't say anything, there's no problem, right?

- But there's a possibility of making friends with everyone.....

《Where did you come up with that possibility? 》

- Where did you come up with that probability? Alright though, we can spend an hour arguing if we start discussing this, so let's end on the fact that there is a probability. So, have you made friends with anyone? - I looked at Oreki.

《Say something. Let's see if you're a fool. I shouldn't have thought of that...》

- Hirata Yosuke, Matsushita Chiaki, Onodera Kayano, Karuizawa Kei... - He started listing.

- I see...

I had to shut up as I failed miserably in our verbal argument.

He's the best proof that I could make friends with someone just by talking about myself. That's probably why I chose to look away.

《It's embarrassing. 》

- So you don't have any proof that introducing yourself can't help but make friends," he continued.

- Let's start with the fact that I wasn't originally going to be friends with anyone. So there's no point in me introducing myself, and there's no point in anyone else listening to me talk. Did I convince you? - I said back.

I pushed him away when he made an attempt to get to know me. But he still, managed to get my name.

And even when he asked if he should tell himself, I only shook my head.

We're all different - there's no denying that. Oreki is a much more open-minded person than I thought.

Wandering around the shop, we didn't look at each other. Despite the awkward attitude, I didn't feel uncomfortable being around him.

- Wow, they have a lot of different kinds of custard noodles here. This school is really something..." two guys were clamouring in front of the instant food counter.

Throwing several packages into a basket almost full of snacks and sodas, they headed for the cash register. It looked like they were trying to spend as many points as possible, since they'd be charged later anyway.

- Noodles... it turns out they have such a department as well.

《What? I didn't think he'd eat that. 》

- Do guys like that? I don't think it's healthy to eat like that.

- Yeah? I was thinking of buying a packet.

Taking the packet, he looked at the price tag. Even though the school uses a point system, all the price tags are signed in yen.

- Hey, do you think it's expensive or cheap here?

《He asked me? Why? 》

- Hmm... I don't even know. Do you think there's something wrong with the prices?

- No, it's nothing like that. I was just wondering. The prices of items in the shop seem to be the same as everywhere else.

《That's suspicious. 》

And it seems that one point really costs one yen. Usually high school students are given 5,000 yen pocket money per month, and our scholarship is twenty times higher I looked at Oreki with surprise. He picked up a packet of noodles, trying not to meet my eyes.

- Wow, it's huge! G-size!

《Oreki-kun...》 - I mentally made a facepalm. - 《Is he one of the perverts? 》

- Oreki-kun, did you just think of something indecent?

《Stop... Why do I feel like I said that for nothing? 》

- Haaah... Horikita how could you think that? Isn't that the kind of thinking you have Horny-kita-san?

《Well...I'm starting to blush. 》

- N-no! You're just acting weird... and don't call me that again.

This is embarrassing. He must have guessed from the embarrassed look on my face alone that I was thinking of vulgarities.

《So pull yourself together Horikita, he's just an ordinary student. Right? 》

(A/N Yes, yes of course...)

- I've been thinking about what's best to buy. Which one do you like better?

- Well, if that's the case, then fine. And would you stop buying junk food. There are plenty of healthier options out there, don't get addicted to fast food.

I don't care, but it's still worth warning him.

Then, I took my eyes off the grocery shelves and headed over to look at the cosmetics department.

- I think this one looks better, don't you think? - he picked up a slightly more expensive bottle that looked more like a quality product.

- 'Don't bother,' I immediately said no.

- But...

- I already said I don't need it, right?

- Yeah...

Under my hard stare, he carefully put the cleanser back on the shelf.

- You're not a very good conversationalist. And you don't choose the right topics, to put it bluntly.

- I didn't want to hear you say that... but I guess you're right.

- Of course I am. I'm good at human psychology. Normally I wouldn't even listen to someone like you twice, but I made a painful effort.

I poked him in the eye for a G cup. Whoa...oh, no not again.

- Horikita. Are you a tsun-tsun?

- ... - he stumped me, I wanted to answer, but ....

- You know, you're cute when you're embarrassed.

《What? C-cute? 》 -I'm starting to blush- 《It's bad, I've fallen into Oreki's trap again》.

I'll have to accept it. But does he really think I'm cute? Stop! What am I thinking about? It's all about studying.

While I was recovering, Oreki-kun took care of things at the cash register. I asked him about being weak, to which he replied that he just wanted to help.

《His methods of making friends are strange. 》

After Oreki and I were accosted by the red-haired man called Sudo, I decided to leave because I felt that my pride would be hurt.

- I'm going home. See you, Oreki-kun.

- Bye. Tsundere Horny-kita.

(A/N If you don't get it, reread the G-cup moment)

I left in a hurry blushing.

《Baka Oreki, you'll regret in misery.》

- Ah...sorry.

While I was in a hurry, I bumped into one of the students who was walking towards me. He had a mess of hair and green eyes. Also that look.....

《I've seen that look somewhere before. 》

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