Chapter 11

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Sleeping seemed like it was the only thing, you seemed to be doing, and the only thing you could never find enough time for. But waking up in Hux's arms in his quarters while he worked on a datapad was something you could always enjoy. You looked up at him, smiling softly as you watched him.

Hux had wrapped you in a blanket, your flight suit open to your waist and tied out of the way so it was mostly just pants. It was more comfortable to sleep in by far, and you appreciated the attention he paid you. Hux glanced down at you, as if to check on you, but he returned your smile tiredly when he saw you were awake.

"You look tired." You said quietly, your hand moving to run a thumb under his eye and around the bags. He nodded, his hand coming to cup yours.

"I couldn't sleep." He replied, matching your tone. You could feel the waves of worry rolling off of Hux, but it didn't show on his face. It was surprising just how much control he had over his features. You thought back to all the times you saw him act so cool under pressure, what was he really feeling? Did he go back to his office and break down like you? He said that he had flashbacks to you getting hurt, but...

You let the thoughts hang in your mind as he put the Datapad down and pulled you into his arms.

"Where are we?" You asked, looking around the quarters around you.

"The Finalizer. In lightspeed" He responded, and you nodded. He must have carried you in, not wanting to disturb you.

"Is Ren alright?" You sat up in his arms and he let you. The blanket came up around your shoulders, and you pulled it closer, using it as a sort of cloak as you pushed yourself off of the couch and walked to his window. Streaks of light flew past you as you stared out the window.

You heard Hux stand, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders as he hummed in the affirmative. You nodded, letting him know you heard him as you lost yourself in the streaking light. You knew what it meant. You were headed back to D'Qar to destroy the resistance base.

"What is more important to me, is are you alright." He said from behind you and you shrugged, your hand absently ghosting over your side, the injury still burning every now and again. You had accepted that you would probably always feel it. You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off. "And don't tell me you are fine because I know you are not."

He turned you in his arms and stared down at you pointedly. He looked just as much your general as he always did. But this was not his usually cold and calculating questioning, this was concern. This was, dare you even think it, love.

Burning in your eyes had you shaking your head, and had his nostrils flaring as he saw the pain in your eyes. You wanted to tell him everything. You wanted to scream and pound your hands against the walls until your hands bled, or broke. The thought had your injured hand sting in an absent pain. Hux looked at you, so willing to help you heal, and all you could do was shake your head.

It wasn't hard to understand what Hux thought of the force. Ren was a tool, and he allowed it to be used. The Supreme Leader was a necessary evil to Hux, but you didn't want to think about what you were. If he found out, would you be another tool? Or would you be simply a body that he could no longer want. Would he push you out an airlock? Or would he send you into battle with nothing to fight with. You had seen it before. It was a cruel way to die.

You of course trust Hux, he was one of the only people you had left. You daren't think that Poe trusted you anymore. Han was dead, and you had no idea if Chewie or Finn, or the girl 'Rey' made it off of Starkiller. You believed they did, you hadn't really had the time to feel if they had perished, there was so much death at once that the force had overloaded you.

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