Chapter 16: A brother's fate

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(3rd pov)

In one of the abandoned districts of Wall Maria, a lone Scout was trapped in the jaws of a Titan as it absentmindedly chewed on his torso.

Scout: One day...One day you'll be nothing but a bad memory...Mankind will destroy all of you...Mark my words...the last ones standing...will be us!

The soldier made a fruitless and last-ditch effort to attack by shoving his broken sword into the cheek of the Titan. It paid no mind to this and continued to chew.

Scout: Gorge while you can...bastard...Just wait...until Captain Levi...and Sergeant Y/n...

Before he could finish, an ODM hook shot out of nowhere as an object blitzed past the Titan, slicing its nape with blinding speed. The object landed on the roof of a house and slid to a stop, revealing none other than Levi himself. He took a quick look around and saw three Titans closing in.

Levi(in mind): One on the right and two on the left.

Three Scouts landed next to Levi. They were Eld, Petra, and Gunther.

Petra: The reinforcements are here sir.

Levi: Good. Petra, tend to our comrade below. You two, take out the one on the right. The two on the left are mine.

As he flew off to confront the pair, the reinforcements Petra spoke of flew into the fray. The Titan on the right charged into a building after trying to grab two Scouts. An excited holler could be heard as Hange flew in and landed on a roof, standing face-to-face with the Titan.

Hange: Why hello there. Someone's eager to meet a grisly end.

In response, the Titan raised its arm high and attempted to swat Hange off the rooftop. She dodged out of the way and flew behind it.

Hange: Points for trying, but you were a little slow on the uptake. HYAH!

Slicing the nape, Hange pushed off of the Titan and landed safely before being joined by her aid and squad vice commander, Moblit.

Moblit: You seriously need to stop taking risks like that Section Commander.

Hange: Where's the fun in that?

Moblit: You get to live another day?

Hange: Oh Moblit, one of these days you're gonna lighten up.

While they were partaking in friendly banter, Levi had reached his prey. Swinging between them, he flew behind one and spun in circles, killing it with ease. Not wasting any time, he bounded off of a building and hurled his blades into the eyes of the second one before landing on its head.

Levi: You like that? I learned it from a comrade of mine. He really hates your kind so I think I'll do you a favor and end it before he gets his hands on you.

With a new pair of blades, Levi backflipped off of the Titan and sliced its nape as he fell to the ground. Glancing at the blade in his left hand, Levi noticed a large splotch of blood.

Levi: Ugh, disgusting.

He grabbed a cloth and quickly wiped the blood away. Once he was satisfied, Levi went to Petra to check up on the condition of the wounded Scout.

Petra: Captain, I can't stop the bleeding.

Scout(faint): Captain...Levi...did this...make a difference?... Was I...helpful?...Please sir... don't tell me this was for nothing.

The Scout shakily raised his hand, prompting Levi to grab it with his own. 

Scout(faint): Tell me it'll...advance the cause...

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