Tan x Olive: Special Night 🍋

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Involves sexual scenes that makes readers uncomfortable.

This has been sitting in my drafts for a while.

I cringe at writing this, so expect the Fanfiction bad.

9:12 PM

..Tan has been working for a while in Medbay, constantly taking care of his crew and the skeld's team. As much as he doesn't mind the extra tasks that have been given to him, he couldn't help but to tire out and feel drowsy. He often works overnight just to make sure the instruments and equipments are in one place, organized, clean, and dry while also monitoring his patient, Blue.

Soonly afterwards, Blue eventually falls asleep and is taken care of under the hands of Doctor Tan. As Tan carefully settles the blanket on top of Blue just so he won't feel cold throughout the entire night, someone knocks, like a clattering teeth. Tan flinches- suddenly frightened- Who could it be possibly in this hour? He takes a quick breath, to compose himself.

He takes a glance to look directly at where the sound is coming from.

There's a door.

It's open.

It's wide for any person to come in.

Yet, nobody is there.

Only darkness is outside.

"..Hello?" Tan breathes out shakily but he continues. "Is there anything you want in here?" Tan whispered, his hands clasped together in a prayer, not wanting to wake up Blue.

Nobody answered Tan's question so he once again asked "Is there anything you want in here?" Tan nervously smiles, it lines with fear. Uncertain that he might have heard something else- something wrong- perhaps he's gone into madness due to overworking himself but he feels like he's in danger, he swore he senses it.

His hand tightly gripping his other hand to feel pain- to get back to reality- his horrified eyes staring at the door that's opened, something or somebody lurking in darkness.

The scared doctor, takes a few steps forward as he's about to take a glimpse outside by just taking a peek-

-Suddenly an arm crawls out from the darkness.

Tan almost screamed but instead lets out a frightened shriek. He jerked as if he got hit by someone. "Whuh- Wha-" he gasps, suddenly stopping where he's at. Slowly, the person who almost scared Doctor Tan to death is none other than, Olive. A friend of 'Red' , and takes the role of a bodyguard- 'protecting' the Polus.

"I'm sorry." He chuckles awkwardly, his arm that comes out from the darkness- pressed on the white-colored walls of the Medbay. "I just wanted to mess with you." He said playfully, he grins wide in enjoyment of a successful prank.

The Doctor looks at Olive in widen eyes then furrowed his eyebrows, frustrated at the stupid stunt he pulled. "Olive! You shouldn't have done that!" His voice strained, his hands turns into a fist of tantrums. "I know, I know. You been having sleepless nights." Olive shakes his head in disappointment and creates a 'tsk' sound. Tan looks at Olive in bewilderment, his other eye brow adjusts up, staring at Olive dumbly. "H- How did you know?" Tan stutters so quiet, it's inaudible at first.

Olive lifts his head up to glance at Tan and chuckles softly. "A doctor like you, should've known that you got dark circles around your eyes. You haven't seen yourself lately in front of the mirror?" He commented. His arms crossed, his body leaning against the door frame looking like a model that's ready for photos hoot.

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