Indigo x Green; Tension Rising (Request)

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I advised you to go back to previous chapter if you're easily cringed/uncomfortable with CRINGE SCENES. 💀

Universe takes at The Main Story.


Green in disguised and Glitchy has been roaming around the hideout for awhile, searching for Indigo. It's a bad luck for both of them- since they couldn't find him. They bumped into so many impostors, and none of them is him.

Green is stressing out- holding Glitchy close to him by placing his hand on his back, while Glitchy is on top of his shoulder, holding onto him. Green murmurs incomprehensible that- Glitchy can't even understand a single word out of him.

The atmosphere around them, it makes them feel hopelessness to get back on the top- Glitchy's eyes turns into ripples, as tears are forming in his eyes, he starts to sniffs sadly while biting his lips, trying to be "strong" in the situation.

Green gazes at Glitchy, making sure he's okay- His eyes widen in suprise, seeing Glitchy on the brink of tears.

"Hey! Hey!" Green yells out in concern and carefully places Glitchy onto his arms, cradling him.

"Glitchy, it's okay.." Green he hushes Glitchy afterwards, cradling him still. His face shows concern, even through his disguise.

Glitchy can't help it but to grasp on Green's clothing and leans his forehead against Green's chest.

"I just wanna go back to my papa.." He softly cries out while grasping Green's clothing. Green twitches his eye worriedly, and starts to frantically move his head to look around- Hoping Indigo is nearby.

He walks around frantically, which is fastly than normal.
Which other imposters finds him odd and suspicious.
Others are starting a rumor that Green might be a crewmate/traitor. (Which is both true‼️)

Green carelessly walks away fastly, looking for Indigo while holding Glitchy close to him, who's still crying and distraught about everything because merely they just want to be back in their papa's arms, rather than to be stuck in the hideout.


Green was panting heavily, he was still holding Glitchy on his arms, but it seems like Glitchy fell asleep awhile ago while he's still walking fastly.. or more like running instead.

He sighs, he held Glitchy up and hugs him like he's a soft teddy bear, as his backside leans against the wall.

He was breathing heavily, he closes his mouth and tries to do breathing exercise to calm himself down with his eyes close for relaxation.

Indigo was around the corner, and noticed Green, who's breathing heavily still and has an odd breathing pattern. He walks carefully to him, his appearance is HUGE and mysterious behind those eyes compared to average impostor's height but yet his steps are quiet, not wanting to make any noises to alarm Green.

Green still has his eyes close, breathing abnormaly, he then felt a rough calloused finger below his chin, and it slowly lifts his face up, he opens his eye immediately-

Only to have a sight of Indigo, who's looking at him with half-lidded eyes and a raising eyebrow in confusion.
Green's heartbeat speeds fastly- not only Indigo is right in front of him, which scares him A LOT because of what happend in the meeting.. He is also lifting his chin up, with his huge finger.

Green feels scared and nervous around Indigo.
Greens eyes are wide open, facing the huge impostor in front of him. He starts to breathe heavily, but more rough and fast, which his legs starts to quiver in fear.

Indigo narrows his eyes, looking down at the disguised crewmate, who's trembling and disturbed by his presence.

"I see." He speak monotonously, and leans closer to Green, pinning him against the wall by using his other hand, pressing against the wall. Green starts to get a panic attack, not knowing what to do- Indigo made a move again, but this time, the finger who used to be under Green's chin, his hand carefully carelessly his cheekbones.

Green is gazing him scaredly, but starts to feel relax in his touch however...? He didn't know what is happening, but doesn't know if he can question this to him. He lets Indigo touching him, as his body relaxes and feels comfortable.

Green, again- Blush at the affection, as he couldn't understand deeply, what are Indigo's intention doing to him.

But he closes his eyes again and leans against Indigo's touch, he starts to breathe lowly because he feels relaxed in his presence despite their appearances. Indigo gives a sly smile- finding Green amusing and.. Pretty.

But Indigo snaps out of his thoughts-
Didn't seem to understand what he's feeling for him,
But it feels like vulnerability.

Indigo's hand shifly moves away from Green's cheekbone.
Green opens his eyes in suprise but didn't dare to question it- which makes him nervous.

"Oh- Haha! I-I'm sorry.." He stammers, with a soft voice. Indigo closes his eyes and sighs softly, blush starts to form on his face and opens his eyes again.

"It's fine." He said coldly.
This makes Green more nervous- as he starts to hold Glitchy very close to him, looking at Indigo wide eyes again.

"I'm sorry that- I couldn't find any crewmate.." said the crewmate, who's just disguised as Impostor. Indigo rolls his eyes dejectedly at first, but looks back at Green, he bit his lip and breathes in-

"We'll... We'll find them, alright? You've done a good job." He said with a blush across his face, kind of just embarrassed to say it but he thought it could elevate his spirit.

He turns away from Green, and start to slowly walk away. Green opens his mouth to say that he wants to go back in the top of the buiding but shudders- He grits his teeth with furrowed eyebrows and exhales softly.

"T...Thank you for saving me." He smiles awkwardly, trying his best not to make it obvious that he's desperate.
Indigo stops his tracks and his head turns to gaze at the disguised crewmate, he narrows his eyes and turns back where he was supposed to head-

"They were gonna kill you, even though you're one of us. You don't deserve to be treated unfairly because you couldn't figure out who's the crewmate." He chuckles lightly and walks away until he's out of Green's sight.

Green was... Mesmerized and stunned, having conflicting feelings for the leader. His face reddened and looks down at Glitchy, with a nervous look.

"What the hell I am doing?"

Requested by:


At first, I was kinda hesitant about the ship because I watched the last season 2 episode where Indigo tries to kill him, but I do see it's potential because they were both great leaderships, both wanted to protect their crew/team, and Indigo might have genuinely like Green because how he's smart. So I see it more as "Forrbiden Love" , "Better as Diguised" Trope, but It's just my opinion honestly lol!!

Hope you like this chapter :] 💕

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