⋇⊶⊰ Chapter Four ⊱⊷⋇

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The next day after the Crime Investigation Unit met up with Jin, they were called into the Toxicology lab to discuss the content results of the perfume bottle they found in Koo Sunghe's bag.

The unit entered the forensics building taking the lift to the 3rd floor. As soon as the door opened, the unit was introduced to a strong smell of different chemicals that harshly assaulted their noses. Walking further in, Namjoon tapped his ID on the scanner as the door opened to a lab.

The lab was a large ventilated room with a variety of machines placed on the tables. Chemicals in glass flasks and translucent white containers, all sat in closed shelves as they added colour to the pale room. 

A man stood in front of a printer as a report was printed out. He examined through the results carefully before looking up to see the unit watching him. 

"Hi guys

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"Hi guys. Right on time, the toxicology results just came." He said as he walked up to the unit and greeted the new face. "Hello there, I'm Min Yoongi, Head of Toxicology, but you can call me Suga."

Y/N shook his hand and introduced herself for almost the tenth time. "Hi Suga, Yoon Y/N. Nice to meet you."

He gave the toxicology report to Namjoon to examine after knowing the exact results himself.

He gave the toxicology report to Namjoon to examine after knowing the exact results himself

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Final Outcome: 2.55g of Dimethyl Mercury found in the contents of the perfume bottle provided by the crime investigation unit through the medical examiner in- charge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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