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(Link created sages group chat)

(Link is online)

Link: been a while since I've last done this

(Link added Tulin to Sages group chat)

(Tulin is online)

Tulin: Hey link!

Link: hey! Welcome to the sages group chat

(Link added Sidon to the sages group chat)

(Sidon is online)

Sidon: Hello my dearest friend! And the young warrior I presume?

Tulin: yup! The great and powerful Sage of Wind!

Sidon: lovely to meet my fellow sage!

(Link added Yunobo to the sages group chat)

(Yunobo is online)

Yunobo: uh, hey everyone!

Tulin: hi!

Sidon: welcome!

Yunobo: thanks goro!

(Link added Riju to the sages group chat)

(Riju is online)

Riju: sup

Tulin: hello Riju!

Sidon: why hello there young chief!

Riju: thanks Princy

Sidon: princy

Riju: idk thought it'd be funny

Link: is that everyone?

Tulin: I think so!

Link: good. It's nice to get on a group chat again after 105 years

Sidon: agreed! I remember talking to you in the champions group chat link! It was quite fun and I hope this is too!

Link: well that's all for now

(Tulin has gone offline)

(Sidon has gone offline)

(Riju has gone offline)

(Yunobo has gone offline)

Link: ...

(Link added zelda to the sages group chat)

Link: I'll find you Zelda, I promise.

(Link has gone offline)

THE TOTK GROUP CHAT!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now