Zelda's Mother Figure: The trilogy

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(Zelda is Online)

(Sonia is Online)

Sonia: Zelda dear, are you alright

Zelda: I'm not

Sonia: Tell me what's wrong, if you don't mind explaining to me.

Zelda: I don't want to bore you

Sonia: I am never bored talking to you, Zelda

Zelda: It's just... what if I can't get home? What if i can't save the kingdom.... Or link.

Sonia: Things are difficult right now, and dealing with all this pressure as a child can be hard. I see you struggling, and it hurts that I won't be able to travel and help you. But, even though life has hurt you in so many ways, you're still you. The beautiful girl who has help her kingdom, and someone as special as you won't give up.

Zelda: ...

Zelda: Thank you Sonia, that means a lot to me.

Sonia: I'll be here to guide you and help in the meantime! You have me and Rauru. We'll help you.

Zelda: Promise?

Sonia: Promise.

Zelda: thank you again. You always know what to say

Sonia: you're welcome dear, why don't you come and have a picnic outside. I would like to hear more about this "Link" friend of yours.

Zelda: I'd be happy to! And Sonia....

Sonia: Yes?

Zelda: thank you, for helping me through all of this

Sonia: I'll be here to guide you, I promise I won't leave you

Zelda: I'll meet you at the picnic location! Bye!

(Zelda has gone offline)

(Sonia has gone offline)


Another short chapter! Just a reminder to everyone that you're doing great in life :)

(Also I am so sorry for that chapter I feel mean lol)

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