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(Tulin is online)

Tulin: ... that's... weird. Hey link?

(Link is online)

Link: hey Tulin! What's wrong?

Tulin: well, Zelda's on this chat...

Link: ...

Tulin: why?

Link: maybe she's able to read these... who knows.

Tulin: if you can read this, Hi Zelda! I've heard so many good things about you! Link speaks so highly of you and you seem so sweet! I can't wait to meet you!

Link: I hope she got that

(Riju is online)

Riju: also link thinks you're cute.

Link: Hey!

Riju: am I wrong?

(Sidon is online)

Sidon: since we seem to be sending messages to the princess, Hello friend! I await your return! I miss you dearly and I hope to see you come home safe and sound!

(Yunobo is online)

Yunobo: make sure to tell us all about your adventures!

Riju: and make sure to visit me, I miss my princess buddy...

Link: I miss you too!

Tulin: that was fun! I hope she can read these...

Link: same...

(Everyone has gone offline)


Short chapter! But I got something big planned! Don't worry!

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