Crash and Burn

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You wake up feeling like you're on fire. Fortunately, you're not. You're just half buried in burning sand next to your crashed TIE fighter. Clearly you've been thrown from your jump seat, even though you have no memory of even ejecting.

You're not even sure how you're alive.

You drag yourself to your feet while trying not to sink in the sand too much. You further yourself from the wreckage of your fighter, your chest heaving as you try to gather your bearings. At least you're in one piece. Injured, tired, dehydrated and hungry, sure, but you're still in one piece.

Your eyes scan the horizon in every direction, looking for evidence of where Poe and Finn might have crashed.

A plume of smoke extends to the sky and you begin to stumble your way towards it.


You locate the crashed ship, smouldering and still a little bit on fire.

"Poe?" You call out. "Poe! Where are you?"

"Poe?" Another voice shouts. A familiar one.

"Finn? Is that you?"


You circle the craft and see the ex-trooper partially still in his suit, sweating like hell. Though, you suppose you don't look much better.

"You're alive," you both sigh at the same time.

You turn your attention to the crashed ship. Finn walks forward, clearly having seen something. He grabs at something; Poe's jacket. Your heart aches a little as you take a step back from the fighter. He's not in there. Maybe he escaped, right? Maybe...

The ship begins to creak and you notice the sand is moving underneath of it, and underneath of Finn.

"Hey, get back!" You exclaim, lunging to grab Finn's arm and pull him away from the sinking ship. The sand swallows the craft and all the two of you can do is stare.

Well, and then it explodes. A cloud of sand erupts from the spot where the craft was taken. You're both far enough away that it doesn't bother either of you.

"We... we need to go," you say, forcing yourself to swallow your emotions. As tempting as it is to break down in the sand, you'd have to wait to mourn later. The idea that Poe just... that he's... You shake your head. "Finn, we need to go."

"Go where?" Finn demands. "Where is there to go? And what about-"

"I think we crashed in the Goazon Badlands. I figure if we head in the right direction, we can find Niima Outpost. Food, water, shelter, maybe medical if we're lucky."

"Are you hurt?"

"Well, I just spent time getting tortured on a Star Destroyer and then crashed a TIE fighter. No, I'm in peak condition."


So you begin trekking, the pilot and the ex-stormtrooper in the middle of buttfuck nowhere on a desert junkyard of a planet. Any optimism you'd held before has been shot to hell, especially if you let your mind wander to what might've happened to Poe.

Finn strips off bits and pieces of his armour as the two of you walk, leaving him in all black clothes. You let him keep hold of Poe's jacket, despite how much you'd rather have it for yourself. It could be all you have left of him.

You drag yourself out of that funky mindset when you next scan the horizon. There in the distance, a glimmer of hope like a mirage, is Niima Outpost.

You frown to yourself. It's a sad day when you think of somewhere like Niima Outpost as a sign of hope.

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