♡ Diligence - Kunikida x reader ♡

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Genre: Fluff, overworked x touch starved

Ship: Doppo Kunikida x 2nd person n!reader

The gentle clicking of your keyboard had been drilling into your ears for hours, your fingers were red and sore from the constant typing. Working for the armed detective agency was no easy job... Funnily enough, the hardest part was never the missions. It was the mountains of paperwork that followed which burnt you out, it was all just so overcomplicated and boring! Yet still, there you were, diligently toiling away at your stacks of documents with watering eyes.

You were so engrossed with your work that you didn't even notice when Kunikida entered the room with a concerned expression on his face.


His words forced you out of your trance, making you jump in surprise and splash dark coffee down the front of your white shirt. You didn't even bother to hiss at the burning sensation and simply spun around in your chair, a deadened expression in your eyes.

"I thought you would have gone home by now, Doppo. It's late."

Kunikida tutted. "That's rather hypocritical of you to say." He gestured to the glaring laptop screen and pile of stacked folders. "How long has it been since you slept? You haven't been home in a few days."

"I..." Your voice trailed off. Kunikida was standing with his hands on his hips, looking slightly ticked off. A slight pang of guilt crept into your stomach; what he said was completely true. You'd been sleeping at the office in order to keep up with the latest assignment, which meant you rarely got to see your own boyfriend.

No wonder he's annoyed... You mentally scolded yourself.

"Look Kunikida, I'm really sorry but I can't come home yet. I need to finish this draft..." Despite your best attempts at keeping your voice level, your eyes betrayed you. They were dull with fatigue, framed by dark black circles that seemed almost bruise-like in appearance. Kunikida frowned and began to stride over to you.

"Hey, what are you- HEY!"

In the blink of an eye, he had scooped you out of your chair and bundled you up in his arms. A flaming blush crept up your skin as you digested what was going on, before you glanced up at Kunikida's face and instantly understood.

"Ohhh, I see." You smirked at him. "Kunikida's feeling touch-starved, am I right?"

"Tch." He looked away, his ears pink as he carried you away from your desk and towards the sofa. Thanks to Ranpo, the office was full of blankets and pillows fit for lounging around and it didnt take long for Kunikida to roll you both onto the sofa and wrap a blanket around you.

Kunikida grabbed a fistful of paper towels and began to dab at your front, before unbuttoning your shirt and slipping it off your shoulders. You whined at the cold air on your skin and tried to pull the shirt back on, making Kunikida chuckle softly in your ear.

"Relax, let me clean you up." He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek and you felt some of the tension within you release.

You nodded slowly and allowed him to undress your top half and pat you down with tissues, cleaning the coffee spill from your chest. Soon after, he promptly removed his own shirt and pulled it down over your shoulders to keep you warm; it was baggy and bunched together at your waist, but neither of you minded.


It was dark in the agency by the time you two got comfortable, without the light of your computer to illuminate the room it was almost pitch-black. All you could hear was Kunikida's heartbeat as he tucked his nose into your shoulder, breathing steadily against the skin of your neck. His hands were wrapped tightly around your waist in a vice like grip; almost as if he were expecting you to try and escape back to your work.

You hummed slightly in amusement and ruffled his soft blonde hair. It was unusual for your stoic boyfriend to act this clingy, especially at work.

Oh well, I'm not complaining. I guess he really did miss me.

It was a relief to finally close your eyes after the hours of toiling over paperwork, and being wrapped in the warmth of your lover's arms was exactly what you needed to send you into slumber. Soft snores in your ear acted as a lullaby as you dozed off, feeling the world around you melt into the comfortable void of sleep.


A yawn built in your chest as you woke, and you found yourself laying on the chest of Kunikida, who was still snoring softly. You stretched you muscles and mumbled something into his bare skin, before a strange, muffled sound brought you back to your senses.

Behind the sofa you two were laying on, Dazai was crouching with a black marker in his hand and a smirk on his lips. It was his evil giggling that had woke you... Thanks to him, when you looked at Kunikida's blissfully peaceful face, your eyes widened in horror.

"Oh god, he's gonna be so mad when he wakes up!"

Dazai popped up from his hideout and grinned innocently, the pen still in his hand. "Do you like my artwork, Y/N-san!"

You gritted your teeth and put your head in your hands. Thanks to Dazai, Kunikida's face was covered in permanent marker drawings... And now you were gonna have to listen to him yelling at the suicidal maniac all morning. A groan escaped your lips as you tilted your head back miserably.

"What a great start to the day."


951 words

QOTD: What's your star sign?

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