Chapter 9

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Her long blonde lashes moved and twitched as she opened her eyes, revealing blue pupils. Her vision was slightly blurred and she needed to blink to focus. Naruto had to look around but regained her memory as the arms around her had tightened with any slight movement she made.

The smell in the room was of her own mixed with another, Naruto closed her eyes before turning around to see the naked chest, her white fox-tip hair spread over her shoulders.

'Shit!, Harumi'

Was the only thought as Naruto moved the arms around her, she grabbed her clothes that were on the floor and her shoes. Naruto was one step away from leaving when she walked back and pulled the covers over Harumi. Suddenly, her phone vibrates, and she glances at the screen to see Sawyer's name.

'Kami, What does Sawyer want right now?' Curiosity piqued, she reluctantly answers the call and brings the phone to her ear.

Naruto- "Hey, Sawyer. What's up?"

Sawyer- "Naruto, you won't believe what I just saw! I was looking through the tabloids and..."

Naruto interrupts as she begins to get irritated with Sawyer- "I don't have time for your tabloid gossip. What's so important?"

Sawyer-"No, listen, it's about you! You were caught all over the place with Harumi Azami, that famous rock star. Naruto, what were you thinking? You're parents are going insane and please tell me you didn't get married to piss them off"

'Married?' Naruto's eyes widen, and her heart starts pounding. She quickly scans the coffee shop, looking for any signs of Harumi.

Trying to hide her anxiety, Naruto walked into the kitchen looking for the ring Harumi had hidden, placing the ring Harumi had given her on the bedside table without saying anything. Even though Naruto didn't like it, she had to break into the drawer to get what she had of Hinata, which she cared about a great deal, and she wouldn't let that be taken away either.

Naruto- "Sawyer, you're mistaken. I haven't even met Harumi."

Sawyer- "No, Naruto, I'm sure it's you. I know those whisker cheeks anywhere. What are you doing with someone like her? What happened to laying on the low?"

"Leaving so soon?" Naruto's heart leaps into her throat as she hesitantly turns around.

Her gaze locks onto the familiar face of Harumi, who gives her a playful wink and a mischievous smile. Harumi was in her birthday suit, and Naruto could feel the blood rush into her cheeks. But she forces her blush down as she faces the woman she had slept with to get over Hinata.

Naruto freezes as she hangs up the phone call with Sawyer, her mind racing with a mix of shock, embarrassment, and confusion.

"Harumi? I thought you were asleep" she says softly, Harumi comes forward to place soft kisses on her scent gland.

"Well, well, Naruto, I didn't expect to see you leaving. To think we had such a memorable night...:" Laughing softly Harumi slid the ring onto her finger as fingers gripped her chin.

Naruto looked up forcefully into the forced eyes of the female alpha she slept with last night. she said as she casually walked towards the drawl to open it with a key she had around her neck.

Naruto's face flushes with a mix of embarrassment and realization. Her mind flashes back to the events of the previous night. But she knew it wouldn't work out. Being with someone else just felt bad because all she could think about was him...and she didn't want to use people like that. It wasn't right.

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