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Bailey then informs the interns that the faces in the scan were Judy dolls before leaving the room leaving the inters shocked that someone could swallow a doll head, especially 10 of them. While then interns found it weird, Madison was slightly impressed with the man.

"My mother used to buy me Judy dolls-" Cristina announced as she was laying back against a chair in the receptionist desk,

"Manhattan Judy, Surfer Judy, Disco Judy."

"I always wanted one." Meredith said with a slight faraway look in her eye.

"I dissected them, cut of their arms, and shaved their heads." Madison laughs a bit next to Alex who just shook his head at the black haired woman.

"Sounds like there's a sick and twisted story behind this." Alex said while looking at Cristina who quickly turns her head to face him,

"They're sexist, distorted devil toys, They create unrealistic image expectations catering to the porn driven minds of men."

Madison nods her head in agreement before waving Cristina and Meredith goodbye and walking away with Alex. The two walk in silence as they roll the two siblings to a nearby elevator so that they can get them to their hospital rooms that are right across from their mom's. Alex and the brother go up first before Madison and Molly go inside the elevator.

It was quiet for a minute, the younger girl was just staring up at the elevator ceiling as the older one was staring at the doors. Madison sighed softly before looking at her younger girl,

"So... how long has your dad been hitting you?" The younger girl looked at Madison with wide eyes before looking away.

"A while... he only really hits mom but he hits me to get to Scott..."

The elevator was quiet, the only sound heard was the dinging of the floor number. Molly continued looking at the ceiling until she felt a soft hand grabbing her own, she then started crying softly and the older woman let her.

Madison rolls Molly out of the elevator and both girls look at each other confused when they see Alex, Izzie, and Scott talking to each other in a corner.

"What's going on?" The three jump a bit and turn their heads to see the two other females, Izzie clears her throat before speaking,

"The father needs a new liver in the next six hours, the one coming in today is already claimed so..." Izzie eyes look over at young male and Madison nods her head in understanding.

"When you get counseling... they tell you not to force it- the decision you know?" Molly grabs her older brother's hand and he gives her a small smile in return before looking back at the three doctors,

"I mean it should be easy right?- h-he's my father." Madison wanted to scoff at that statement she wanted to tell the young boy that someone who beats their kids isn't a parent, but she keeps it to herself,

"Well, it is a tough operation Scott. It will be a big change in your life going forward." Madison decided to say instead with gritted teeth.

"The upside is that the liver is the only organ that regenerates itself-" Izzie begins and Madison glared at her friend,

"Izzie- don't-" Madison whispered but the blonde female ignored her and continued trying to convince Scott,

"I mean they are only going to take out half of yours and it'll be back to normal size in about two months, you probably won't be running any marathons soon but-" Izzie was cut of by Alex roughly grabbing her arm,

"Dr.Stevens, Dr.James,  can I see you both outside for a moment." Alex drags Izzie away and Madison quickly follows them outside of the room and closes the door behind them.

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