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Madison, George, and Richard were frozen as they were all face to face with the infamous Ashley Monroe. The three of them were feeling many different things at once, Madison felt nervous and slightly terrified seeing her mother for the first time in years, Richard was happy and sad at the time seeing his old friend again, and George was feeling millions of things at once as he was one of the few lucky interns in the world who have gotten to seen the infamous Ellis Grey and Ashley Monroe.

"Oh my darling it's been so long, how have you been?"

Madison backed away a bit as Ashely tried to come closer to her, Ashely stared at her daughter bewildered at the act. An awkward silence takes over the group before Richard clears his throat, "Dr.James and Dr. O'Malley, why don't you two go check on Dr.Yang." Madison gives Richard a grateful smile before grabbing George's hand and dragging him away from the area, not caring about the winces the white male was making from the grip she had on him.

Once Madison was comfortable with the distance she pulled the other intern into an unoccupied room and closed the door behind them.

"I know you have questions so I'll only answer a couple of them." With the go ahead, George instantly started mumbling out questions.

"Why haven't you told any of us that Ashley Monroe was your mother?"

"Because it's none of your business and why would I tell you guys after how you treated Meredith the first few days we were here."

"What is Meredith's relationship to Ashley and what is your relationship to Ellis?"

"Ashley is Meredith's god mother and Ellis is my god mother."

"Are you going to tell the others?"

Madison stayed silent for a moment before rubbing her temples and finally looking George in the eye , "I don't know yet... I was going to wait until I felt ready to say something but if she's going to start coming here a lot more often I just need to get it over with..."

George stayed silent for a moment before walking over to Madison and pulling her into a tight hug, Madison tensed up for a second before she returned the hug. Normally Madison would've told George off for even thinking about touching her, but the female was too mentally exhausted to care and plus she really needed a hug no matter who it was from.


The rest of the day to Madison was a blur, there were a couple of things she was called to help out with here and there from the other residents, she avoided Meredith and the other interns like the plague until she was off for the night. Addison informed Madison that she was staying for a bit longer so the intern decided to pass the time by going to visit a certain someone.

"Fucking bitch you must be cheating!" A slightly high Christina yelled while picking up some uno cards from the deck next to her, Madison giggled before placing down her final card which caused the other female intern to throw her cards on the hospital bed in frustration.

"I hate you James."

"I hate you too Yang."

Madison gathered all of the cards off the bed to put them back in their original spot in the hospital room, while doing so Madison felt Christina's eyes watching her every move.

"You already know don't you..."

"Yep," Christina said while putting the emphasis on the p which caused Madison to roll her eyes. "How long have you known?" Christina shrugged her shoulders before staring up at the ceiling, "I mean it wasn't that hard to put together but you didn't make it easy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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