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"Umm gurl." Becca says from beside me as I get a drink. "What?" I ask her. "You just kissed, Matthew" she said eyes wide. "Yeah we'll he was helping me out." I say. "With what a pice of food stuck in your teeth?!" Becca screams. "Shhh, don't tell Nick or Chris. I'll have to kill you." I joke. "Alright. Alright you have my word." She says taking a sip of her drink. "But did you feel anything from the kiss?" She asks. "Ugh-" I cut myself off from hearing a familiar voice yelling in the back. I turn around and see Lucas screaming at Matt.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KISSING MY GIRL?!" Lucas yells. Matts eyes clearly show a terrified expression. "Listen man, you guys broke
Up a year ago. You fucking mental and verbally abused her. If you cared so much maybe you should've been nicer to her." Matt says as his eyes dart to me. "How do you know about that?" Lucas asks as he turns to see you. "You little bitch. You
Told everyone I was fucking abusing you?!" He yells as he walks over to me. "Lucas I..-" i stutter. "You told your little boyfriend over here that I was fucking abusing you. I didn't even hit you!" Lucas yells. "But you put me through hell and back being with you." I speak up, making the room quiet down. "Oh yeah? Hell. Right, well I'm sorry you were to busy fucking Matthew over here instead of me. You're just a little slu-" Lucas gets cut off by getting a fist in his face.

"Hey." Matt says before grabbing my hand. "Hurry up." He says grabbing nick and Chris along the way. "Hey, what the fuck happened to you hand?!" Nick says looking down at his brothers bloody and swollen hand. "Ugh don't worry about it. Come on we're leaving." He says before we all hop into the van. I stare at Matt through the rear view mirror. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Nick says looking up from his phone in disgust. I look back at him with a blank expression. When I look back up I see matts eyes greeting mine.

We get back to the triplets house and we all decided to sit in the living room and watch a movie since it was only eleven. I see Matt get up in the corner of my eye. After a few minutes I decided to go through and see if I could find him. I seen him in the kitchen looking down at his hand. He's obviously in pain. "What do you want Cora." He said harshly. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah
I'm perfectly fine." He said sarcastically. I was fighting back the urge to just slap him. But I knew he was frustrated because of the agony. I walk closer to him and take hold of his hand. "Let me clean you up." I offer. "I think I can look after myself." He says gruffly. "I said that and look where we are." I say looking up at him. "If you just stayed next to me you'd be fine. But you don't listen, you never do." Matt complains. "Matt I'm sorry." I say knowing he was saying the truth. "But please let me help you." I state. "Alright, but I'm still mad." He says. "Alright then." I jokingly roll my eyes before I drag him into the bathroom.

Knowing where the first AID kit was since I got injured quite a lot when I played sports. Mary Lou would help me after I came back to the triplets house with bloody shins from schoo. Ever since I was little the triplets house was like a second home to me. After my parents split and my mom wanted nothing to do With us anymore. Leaving me, Nate and my dad. Not that my dad didn't love me. But after I turned 13 he was just different towards me.

I grab the disinfectant and pour it only a cotton pad before putting it over the dried blood and the cut he got from Lucas sunglasses he was wearing. I take a bandage before I wrap up the cut and put soothing cream on the bruises to ease the pain a little. I smile as I look back up at him. "Thanks" he says looking down at me. "No problem." I say putting everything back in the first aid box. Matt looks at me through the mirror before he leaves the bathroom joining his brothers. I walk through to where he went into. "Guys I think I'm going to go home tonight." I say. "Matt can you drive her?" Nick asked matt. "No, it's fine I'll walk home." I say with a small smile. "Are you sure? There's a lot of weirdos out at night." Chris says concerned. "Yeah my house isn't that far." I say. "Yeah it is." Nick states. "Come on I'll take you." Matt decides before getting off the couch and grabbing the keys off his Jean loop. "Thank you guys, for everything" I smile before we all say bye.

Me and Matt get into the car and the car ride was short and silent with music playing in the background. "Thank you, goodnight Matt." I say as I get out the car. "Night." He says before I nod and walk towards my house. Him watching me until I unlock it and go inside. I watch him through the window as he starts his van and drive away.

"Heyy party girl. How are you?" Nate asks. "Good." I say exhausted. "You sure?" He asks. "Yeah, just sleepy." I say with a small smile. Nate smiles back at me before I go upstairs and shower and change into sweat pants at a tank top. I lay in my bed thinking about what happened at the party. Still not believing what took place myself. I soon drift off to sleep.

I'm woken up by a knock on my door. "One second." I say with a groggy voice. I get up and open my door. "Dad?" I question as I open my door to reveal the man. "Hey kid. Ugh I gotta get some stuff from the store wanna come along?" He asks. My dad never asks me to go anywhere with him like he used to so I always went out every chance I got. "Yeah give me a second I'll get on a hoodie." I say as I walk over to my wardrobe and get out my grey hoodie and slip on my uggs. I walk out feeling the cold Boston air on my skin. "Ready?" My dad asks before he starts the car. "Ready" I reply. He turns on his country music and a few other songs. "Was Nate not awake?" I ask. "No I just didn't want to disturb him." He says focusing on the road. "What did you do last over the past few days?" I ask. "You know just in the office. Was the house quiet while I was gone?" He asks. "Dad. I wasn't home for two days." I admit. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah I was at the triplets." I say. "Why one of them your boyfriend or something?" He asks. "No. Boy and girl can hang out with out being together dad." I say. "We'll we're did you sleep?" He asks. "I slept in nicks bed." I say. "Nick your boyfriend?" He asks. "Nicks gay dad I've told you this a thousand times." I roll my eyes. "Sorry. Oh is that Nate's friend with the three brothers?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "Oh them and Nate are really close." He smiles. "Yep." I sigh looking out my window. "How about that Chris fella. I feel like you and him would be a good couple." He says. "Mhm." I say. "Ohh, getting upset just like your mother used to." He smiles. "Can we not bring her up dad?" I ask. "Coraline, she's your mother and you should be proud of that." He says. "I should be proud to have a mother who didn't love her own kids enough to even fight to see them?!" I raise my voice. "That's enough Coraline." He says as he parks the car. "Don't say another word." He says before getting out the car.


Stubbed my toe and then it started bleeding. I also "fell" down a drain today while I was filming a blog for my

Love you alllll<333

(1418 words)

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