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"NATE!" Chris yells throwing himself into the car onto Nate. "Chris!" Nate giggles as they hug. Chris gets up and grabs his duffel bag from Nick who was carrying both of theirs. Matt soon came out behind them. They put they're things in the trunk before they got in the back and we drove off.

We get to the campsite and start helping the triplets unpack. "Uh, Cora there are only three rooms." Nick points out. "Oh come on guys we've literally all been friends since what five or something." I say as I walk into the tent. "Can I Please have the room to myself?" Nick asks. "Sure nick." I smile. "I CALL DIBS ON NATES ROOM!" Chris yells. "Chris, shhh" Nate giggles. "Okay so nick's alone, Nate and Chris are in that room. Me and Matt are in the other. Is everyone happy?" I ask. "Mhm." Matt grunts. "Do you have a problem
Matthew?" I ask turning to face him. "Don't stink up the room." He says as he pushes me. "Haha. So funny." I say as I nudge him back. He walks into the tent and starts unpacking. I stare at him as he unpacks the setting sun perfectly lighting up his face. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Matt giggles. "I'm sorry I thought you looked pretty." I say as I throw my bag down. "Oh so you think I'm pretty?" He asks with a grin. "Only just now, but the rest of the time." I hiss. "Damn your rude. I'll take the compliment though" he smiles. "Okay Bernard no need to get all flustered." I make fun of him. I only get an eye roll and huff in return. But I was glad he was talking to me again.

"CORA!" I hear Nate yell from outside the tent. "Nate? Are you okay?" I ask running out the tent. "Yeah how do I start the fire?" He asks. Everyone had came outside to sit around the fire at this point. "Here." I say as I throw him one of my bracelets. "What the fuck is he supposed to do with that?"
Nick asks. "Look" I sigh. I grab the flint part of the bracelet and the steel part with my other hand. I clash them together making a spark and starting the fire in the twigs. "Woah." Matt says under his breath. "Umm. Excuse me but HOW?!" Chris says mind blown. I giggle a little. "You guys have no survival skills." I say with a wide smile as I grab the marshmallows, crackers and chocolate. Everyone makes s'mores and talk out our day.

"Nick. I heard you went on a little date." I smirk. "OH MY GOD YEAH. Okay so basically we're going to call HIM, Mellon." Nick whispers. "Okay" I whisper back. "So I got a text from Mellon asking if I wanted to go out to eat or something. So I agreed and he came and picked me up. He drove us to the mall and then he was looking through the Halloween stuff and I was like oh my god that would be so cute on you. And we where flirting and stuff. And then we went and ate at Denny's and he payed..." nick smiles. I squeal as I push my legs up my my chest.

Matts POV:

I hear a squeal from across the fire and turn my head away from Chris and Nate's conversation. I see Cora with her legs up on her chair with a wide smile on her face as my brother tells her some sort of story. My eyes trace along her face as the camp fires glow makes her features stand out even more than usual. She's so beautiful. Wait Matt ew. Why are you having these thoughts you guys are Hardly even friends. I get shaken out my trance by Chris, "you okay?" He asks. "Uhh. Yeah?" I say not to sure myself. Chris looks at where I'm looking. "Oh. Sorry man." He apologises. "Oh no it's not like that I just zoned out." I defend. "Okay then." Chris says. "Hey guys theres a nature trail to the top of the mountain we can watch the stars." Cora announces. "Sounds cool" I smile.

Cora's POV:

Nick finished talking about his date with Alister and I look up towards the top of the mountain and remember the path that led up to the top. I decided to tell everyone earning a quick yes from Matt. Every one else eventually agreed and we all got our torches, brought the cooler and a few blankets before we went up the short path.

We get to the top and lay out blankets, we all lay on them, the order is Nate, Nick, Chris, Matt, me. It's cold so I find myself cuddling into Matt's shoulder more and more, until he eventually lift's up his arm and wraps it around me.

"imma head back down to the tent." Chris says abruptly. "yeah, me too" Nate joins. "Same here." Nick stands up. "Good night guys." I say, "Night" Matt says not taking his focus off the stars. They give me a little wave as they all walk of into the darkness. I turn my head back up to see the stars.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask, "yep." Matt whispers in awe. "How did you know about this place?" Matt asks. "When I was younger me and Nate stayed at our grandpa's place and we went out on our bikes and found this place, purely out of boredom." I smile as the memory pops up in my head. Matt looks down to me and a smile appears on his face. "I can imagine you two pedalling your asses off getting up to here." Matt chuckle's. "Yeah and It was summer." I giggle. "cora" Matt says. "Mhm?" I ask. "I'm sorry." He apologises. "What for matt?" I ask looking up at him. "Becca." He spits out. "Oh, how did you know?" I ask in a hushed tone. "she told me." He says. "She did?" I ask. "Yeah." He admits. "So do you like, like her?" I ask sitting up from our cuddling position. "Cora." He sits up. I feel a cold gust of wind hit the warm spot where matt was, "Is that why you weren't talking to me?" I ask trying to contain my body warmth with my hoodie. "No, Cora let me explain." He sighs. "I'm listening." I say. "I dont like Becca, Cora..." He starts. "And did you tell her that?" I ask.

"Heyy Matty boo" Becca shouts from across the room as I walk into the kitchen. "Hey Becca?" I ask as the girl never usually bothers with me. "Matt I want to talk to you." She says as she grabs my arm. "Ow, what is it?" I ask as she pinches her nails into my skin. "Listen, don't think I didn't see that little 'stunt' you pulled back there with Cora." She smiles. "Trying to make me jealous I see." She continues. "Ugh, no?" I say confused of what she's ranting about. "Matt no more hiding your true feeling's I know you want me." Becca says as she grabs me by the neck. "Becca stop!" I yell out. "come on Matt just kiss me, then you'll know how good I am." She says pulling me closer. "No stop!" I shout in her face. "Matt just kiss me!" She yells and eventually pulls me close enough to slam her lips onto mine. I feel her tonged graze along my bottom lip. I push her off me and speed walk through the house. That's when I seen Cora and Lucas arguing."

Matt talks about what happened at the party and I feel awful. "I'm so sorry that happened." I say as I engulf him in a hug. I feel his arms wrap around me as he hugs back, sending warm butterflies traveling through my stomach. "And you where a better kisser than Becca anyway." Matt whispers beneath my ear, his warm breath hitting off my neck sending goose bums all over my body. "Oh yeah?" I smirk. "hm, maybe I think I might need to check again." He whispers. I grab near the collar of his shirt and pull him closer. "Are you sure?" I ask. His hands travel up my lower back before her lowers his lips onto mine. I let my hands travel to his shoulders deepening the kiss. I feel his warm hands on my back and I pull away, and let a small smile creep onto my face. "I love your dimples." He whispers as a smile crawls onto his face. heat rushing to my cheeks as I look back up at the stars and see a few fireflies flying above us. I point up and we watch them fly about.



A random 25 year old gave me his insta today, I told him I was under 18 and he didn't seem to care. I've never blocked and walked away from someone faster. But its guy fawk's so if he tries to steal me I'll just set him on fire. (yes, I'm from the UK and celebrate guy fawk's)

ANYWAY love you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll<3333333

(1535 words)

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