~anything in the world~

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I open my eyes to the bright morning sun. "What the fuck?" I whisper as I take a look around. I'm in a car in the middle of no where. I look to my left and see Matt, slouched over sleeping. I turn to the back and see Nick, Chris and Nate scattered along the back seats.

I let out a huge sigh and gasp as the pain in my back and neck kick in. I reach over Matts lap to press the unlock button on the drivers door. I successfully manage to press it but while retracting my hand I managed to elbow Matt right in his 'Manhood'.

"OW!" Matt yells out followed by a small whimper. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Matt." I gasp. "Oh, it's okay cora." He sighs letting a small smile creep onto his face through the pain.

I open the car door and stand outside as my cheeks flush with a red colour. I look out at the hill view and admire it. "Beautiful isn't it?" I ask as I hear Matt get out the car. "Sure is." He said looking at me. "Matt." I sigh, turning my head towards him. "I know." He says breathless. "What did he say last night?" I ask. "Well he mentioned how I couldn't be with you." Matt says joining Cora on the bonnet. "Well you also made that clear." I say. Still a little angry at him. "Cora. I want you more than anything in the world and you know that." He scoffs. "Then why don't you fight for me Matt?" I ask. I leave him speechless as I can see him question himself that. "I promise I will fight for you Cora." Matt promises. "Matt. Don't make promises you can't keep." I whisper. "I can keep this one though." He defends. "Let's get back on the road." I say. "Yeah." He agrees before we both hop back into the car.

It's Been about an hour and we're close to home as traffic was busy. "What the fuck is happening?" Chris groggily asks. "It's to early for this shit." Nate chimes in equally as exhausted. "Shut the fuck UP!?" Nick yells covering his ears with his hands. "I'm glad you guys don't drink. I couldn't imagine you guys with a hangover." I giggle. "And what would little miss Cora know about drinking?" Matt giggles. "Not fair" I say sticking my finger near his face.


We get to our house as I knew my dad wouldn't be home. "Alright just throw your shit on the floor there." I say as I threw most of our stuff on the floor. Everyone soon does the same before we all collapse on the living room couch and floor.

"Cora can I talk to you?" I hear a voice from the doorway ask. "Yeah sure" I say pushing myself off the couch. Me and Matt walk up the stairs into my bedroom. "What's up?" I ask. "Cora. I can't just act like we never kissed. I don't give a shit about what Nate says. He shouldn't be able to control who you date and who you don't, I know he's your brother and I know he's only trying to protect you. But I need you Cora." Matt rants. "Matt. I understand your frustrations. But I don't want to upset Nate. I'm sorry." I say as a tear forms in my eyes. "Please Cora. Don't do this." Matt begs. "I'm sorry Matt" I say as the tear rolls down my cheek and I walk out the room.

I sit on the carpet in my dads room as I softly sob into my sweater sleeves. I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask wiping away some of my tears. "Nate" I hear from the other side. "Come in." I say with a sad sigh. "Hey." He says as he pops his head through the open gap. "Hi." I say as I watch him walk over and sit next to me. "I heard you crying." He said. "Mhm" I mumble. "Why?" He asks. I think about making up a fake excuse, but if I really wanted Matt I knew I had to fight for him. "Why won't you let Matt be with me?" I ask as my lip quivers. "Cora...I don't think it'll be a good idea." He suggests. "Nate. Is that the real reason?" I ask. "Yes." He admits. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I finally have feelings for someone who's going to treat my right and actually wants me back. But I can't have him because your insecure about it 'not being a good idea' Are you actually out of your mind?!" I rant on. "I only want what's best for you." He says. "Nate you don't get to make those choices for me." I huff. "I know. I'm sorry but I just don't want to see you hurt again. After what...he did. I just don't want to see you that beaten up and upset again." Nate explains. "Nate. I promise you Matt is nothing like Lucas" I promise as I hold out my arms. Nate hugs me as I hug him back. "I'm really sorry Cora, just doing my job as your brother." He whispers. I chuckle a little. "It's okay, I'd maybe do the same if I the roles where reversed." I smile. Nate stands up and reaches his hand out, I take a hold of it as he helps me up.


"Hey there's a party at Bens tonight. I think we should all go." Chris says.  "I'm down" Nick agrees. Everyone agreed to the party but Nate. "Why aren't you going?" I ask. "I have practise tonight." He explains. "Shit." I say as I reach for my phone. "What is it?" Chris asks. "I need to check if my coach wants to practise tonight." I say. "Coach?" Matt asks. "I got back into figure" I explain. "WOO no way!" Nick cheers. "Shit guys, sorry she wants me for practise after hockey." I sigh. "No problem" Chris says, "yeah." Nick smiles. "Mhm" Matt nods.


May have texted my ex. We are actually getting along well😜😜🤗 he did tell me he just got out the shower tho- (I regret ever texting him)

I found out that there was a sexual fan fiction made about me from a guy I used to sit next to. So that was super fun to find out from my boy bsf.😍

Also I was nearly in a plane crash. :)

(1091 words)

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