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I wake up and grab my phone, I see a text from nick. It looked like he was panicking.

OMG ILL BE AT YOUR HOUSE IN 5 I'll bring Nate.

I jump out my bed and run down to the kitchen to see my dad and Nate. "Morning" they both say. "hi, dad can me and Nate go to the triplets house?" I ask. "Nate do you want to go with your sister?" He asked Nate. "Uhh. Yeah one second I'll get dressed. I think you need to get dressed too." Nate says looking at me who was excitedly waiting. "Alright I'll see you two later." Dad said. "We're you going?" Nate asks. "I've got a thing with work tonight." He says. "Cool, bye dad" Nate says going through the house. "Bye dad, good luck with your meeting" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Cora." He smiles as I leave the kitchen. I run into my room and swing open my wardrobe picking out a tight grey top and blue jeans with an oversized hoodie. I quickly put on some lip oil and mascara, before I grab my things and put them in a bag. I go through the house and knock on Nate's door. "Alright let's go" he said opening his bedroom door. "Alright I'll drive" I said grabbing my keys that were next to the door. I slip on my shoes before I go outside as cold air blows on my face. "Damn it's cold." I say before walking out the house. "Yeah yesterday, felt like I never walked out the ice rink." Nate says opening the passenger door. "Damn. Let me turn on the heating." I say reaching for the dials on the dash. I turn on the heating and pull out of the Drive way.

We get to the triplets house and I ring the door bell. "Oh, hi Cora, hello Nate. Come on in out the cold." Jim greets up at the front door. "Thank you Mr sturniolo." Me and Nate say as we walk in. "Please call me Jim kids." He smiles before joining Mary Lou in the living room. "Ohh hey kids. The boys are up in Chris's room." Mary Lou smiles. We thank her and run upstairs to Chris room. "CORA!" Nick yells running over to me and hugging me. Nate walks over to Matt and Chris and does their hand shake. "Come on Cora I need to talk to you." Nick smiles dragging me through to his room. "Okay sit down." He says excitedly. "Alright spill." I smile. "Okay so basically I was out yesterday with Ben. You know who Ben is, right?" He asks. "Nope." I say. "Okay I'll introduce you guys some other time." He smiles. "Okay" i say wanting to hear the rest of the story. "Okay so I was with Ben and he introduced me to Alister. And you know I've literally always seen him in science but never talked to him." Nick smiles. "Yesss" i agree. "Well he said. 'Oh my god your the guy that sits in the back of science.'" Nick quotes. I feel my jaw drop as I giggle. "I KNOW and then he asked for my number and when I went home he texted me 'Heyy, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner?' And I said 'as in like a date?' And girl omg the way I was panicking from being rejected. But he said 'if you want it to be😉'" nick shows me the messages. "AHHHH, OH MYYYY." I say as my face can't stop smiling. "I KNOW" nick yells back screaming with me.

"What the fuck is happening down here." We hear Chris say from the door. "Fuck off Chris." Nick yells. "Hey boys language." Mary Lou says from the kitchen. "Sorry mom." They both say in sync. "Okay but what actually is happening?" Matt asks from behind Chris. "Nick was aske-" I get cut off by Nick who's hand was over my mouth. "Um." Chris says from the door. "Nick take your hand of my sisters mouth." Nate says from beside Chris. Nick removes his hand. "Nick. I almost passed out." I say. "Oh sorry." He apologised. "What we're you saying Cora?" Matt asks from the door. I look back at him. "Nothing." I say. Earning an annoyed sigh. "Okay but can we chill in here?" Nate asks. "Yeah sure" nick says welcoming them in. We all talk and decide to watch a movie in the living room. We all walk through to see if it's empty.

"Alright I'll go get blankets, Matt and Cora are on snacks and drinks and Nate and chris are choosing the movie." Nick instructed. We all agreed and me and Matt walked through to the kitchen. "What should we do for snacks?" I asked Matt. "Mhm" is all I get back. "Matt. This is your
House I don't know we're shit is." I explain only earning a shrug off his shoulders. "Did I do something to upset you..?" I ask. Matt doesn't look up from his phone he was holding. I let out a sigh as I search the kitchen. I found some pretzels, chips and popcorn, I have a look in the fridge and see the drinks, I take out some Pepsi, fantas and some water. I turn around and see Matt holding the snacks. I sigh as I walk over to the counter and rest the drinks on the counter. I walk over to Matt and snatch his phone. "Why won't you talk to me." I ask. Only to see him staring back at me. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask once again not getting and answer. I sigh giving up as I grab the drinks and walk through to the living room.

The show begins. Chris and Nate chose Euphoria since non of us had seen it. As the show continues my eyes move to Matt who was sitting on the other couch. Why was he ignoring me and what did I do? I thought to myself, yeah me and Matt might not get a long once in a while but I never disliked him to the point were I would ignore him. He was still my 'friend' after all.


I can't wait for Halloween. I don't know what I'm being for a Halloween party I'm going to. It's between (jigsaw/vampire/skeleton) but for Halloween I was going to be Freddy crugar or the Cheshire Cat (if my friend wants to do a joint costume)

What are you guys doing (or do) for Halloween??

Love you alll<3333

(1134 words)

✿𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝✿ ~ Matt Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now